
Monday, July 16, 2012

Design Wall Monday 7-16-12

We are still on grand baby watch but hopefully something will happen soon.  Especially since I plan to drive home today.   I got a little bit of sewing done over the weekend.  It was a mystery weekend at Mysteries for Relay so I started on it.  Unfortunately Jenny's set up doesn't feel comfortable to me so I did 7 blocks and quit.  I'm hoping to use it as a donation quilt for Quilts of Valor or the Virginia Memorial project.  Go check out design walls across the internet at Patchwork Times.

Since I didn't post last Monday, I also didn't think about my weekly goals.  So, here's what I was trying to do 2 weeks ago. 
Week of July 2
Get Scrap Squad #3 top done
Start cleaning up the cutting table
Pick and cut fabric for next Mystery For Relay
Quilt a couple of quilts
Stay cool in the heat of summer
Put kitchen back together if possible
I finished my Scrap Squad #3 and I LOVE it.  I can't wait to share it with you.  Hopefully sometime this week.  I am at a loss as to what to set as my goals this week.  Maybe for Jenny to have the baby! 
Week of July 16
New grandbaby 
Take care of Sophia
Do some knitting on jacket for Sophia
It isn't much but it is a start.  If I make it home and have some time away from the jealous dogs, I'll do some sewing.  
Happy Sewing All! 


  1. Hope your grand baby comes soon! Life is almost on hold until they arrive in the later stages of the pregnancy.

  2. Oh boy, I remember my first two taking so long to get here. I sure expected to see a cute baby picture this week, instead we get cute blocks. Next week, certainly we'll see a cute baby picture next week. Hope all goes well.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.