
Friday, July 13, 2012

Grand Baby Watch

Yep, I missed Design Wall Monday this week.  I was trying to finish quilting my most recent Scrap Squad quilt before I drove up to be with Jenny while we wait for the newest grand baby to join the world.  Sigh, nothing is happening.  We think she's ready to pop but not enough has been happening so here we wait. 
I've finished Scrap Squad #3 quilt, took pictures of it and wrote my part of the blog for Quilty Pleasure. I need to organize my thoughts so I can do my post here at the same time.  Just let me say I ADORE this quilt.  It is for the new baby but I want to keep it!  Ok, I'll be good and give it to him or her.  

I've had a nice week here in Maryland.  I was up for a dinner and gathering of the Cricket buddies.  Jenny met two other gals in a hs biology class when they did a cricket project, thus the name.  Since then lots of things have happened including each one having a daughter. So the girls, their daughters and the grandmothers got together.  Great fun. 

I promise to keep every one posted on baby watch.  

Happy Quilting, 


  1. How exciting, Bonnie. Keep us posted.

  2. Enjoy this time of precious anticipation.

  3. Baby watch is so exciting! My step-daughter finally had her baby on Thursday. 10 days late! Talk about exciting….. (for us, not for the mother) :-)


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