
Monday, September 24, 2012

Design Wall Monday 9-24-2012

Not a whole lot I can show you today.  I finished these pineapple blocks for Joan as part of the FCQEquilters group.

As I said earlier... what a great way to use up scraps. 

I also made this wonky log cabin block. I don't think I followed the directions correctly as I had a hard time getting the block to grow evenly on right side and bottom.  I have one more block to make with these fab colors so I should get it right.  This is for the Quilting Bees.  I volunteered to make 2 so the second one will go together easier, or so I hope.  Check out the tutorial at Just Jude
I've just about finished Scrap Squad #4.  Quilty Pleasures has begun to feature the quilts on the blog.  You can check out the first one by clicking the link.  Wow!  Donna did a fabulous job.  And, her quilting is putting mine to shame.  Heck, I'm doing a fast hand quilting as it is small and I really didn't want to put it on Ruthie. 

On to the goals from last week. 
Week of Sept 17
bind Snowmen and Santa quilt
Put Scrap Squad #4 together
Pull fabric for Scrap Squad #5
Make a sample block for #5
Put the new memory in the laptop√ 
Not bad but I haven't done anything on SS #5.  What I did do was begin to quilt a charity quilt on Ruthie.  I decided to try feathers on it.  Um, er, didn't work out really well.  So my feathers became palm fronds and voila!  It looks great.  But it is time consuming so I've done about half and will get back to it this week. 
Week of Sept 24
Finish handquilting SS #4
Finish pillow sham for bedroom
Finish charity quilt on Ruthie
Finish 2nd Wonky Corners block
Draw SS #5 in EQ
Make a sample block of SS #5

It's time to link up with Patchwork Times' Design Wall Monday post.  And, I'm getting right on the scrap squad quilt quilting.
Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Quite a lot of quilting going on at your house! All the blocks look great, especially the wonky one.

  2. Wow -- you really are busting those scraps, aren't you?! The pineapple are just awesome. I have a harder time doing wonky than straight...which is quite amusing to me! :)


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