
Monday, October 1, 2012

Design Wall Monday 10-01-12 & Stashbusting Stats

Wow, it's Design Wall Monday and Stashbusting. 

Let's get the stash busting info out first.  Yes! (envision me pumping my fist in the air...) I did use up a nice hunk of stash. I am dumping the very bad grid and will just give you the numbers...

Fabric In Sept.       4.5 yards               Fabric In 2012      82.295
Fabric Out Sept.   10.375                    Fabric Out 2012    75.685    
Used In Sept:        5.875                    Used 2012           -6.610

Yes, I used a hunk more fabric than I brought in!  And, I am creeping up on the idea of using more fabric than I brought in.  In fact, I may be even closer because of the quilt Sharon and I made together.  I gave her all the fabric and blocks we did but I haven't deducted them from stash yet.  I'll try to do that in October. But, first I need to get the measurements of the quilt.

On to design wall Monday.  At first I thought I had nothing new to show you because most of my time was spent finishing the latest Scrap Squad quilt.  I should be able to show that in the next week or so.  But, what I can show you is the results of an embroidery class I took this week.  This was so much fun.  I used Quilting Corner's Brother machine.  I learned a bit about stabilizers which is the key to successful embroidery if you ask me.  I will probably take another class or two there just for the fun of making the projects.  The snowmen is a free design from the Brother site.  You can get it by jumping to this web site. Check around that section of the site for other free designs.  The words were added through the machine's software.  It was a great machine -- it even threaded the needle automatically.  

I also worked on quilting this quilt which I call stars and tennis shoes. (That may just be a working title not the finished title of the quilt...) I did an easy, loose meander with Glide thread in Mango.  Love that color and surprisingly I've had several quilts recently that I have used it on.  Warm and Natural batting. 

Now, how did I do with my Weekly Goals? 

Week of Sept 24
Finish handquilting SS #4
Finish pillow sham for bedroom
Finish charity quilt on Ruthie
Finish 2nd Wonky Corners block
Draw SS #5 in EQ
Make a sample block of SS #5
It doesn't look all that great.  But I did get several other things done such as the quilting on the quilt above. 
How about my plans for this week? 
Week of Oct1
Try a little machine embroidery
Make binding for 2 charity quilts
Knit on Sophie’s sweater
Pack for retreat
Have a blast on retreat
Finish center of Shoebox Quilt
Finish piecing 16 patch Quilt
Cut and sew X Block quilt together
Ok, yep, that is a lot of plans but, hey, I have a retreat I'm going to.  I have a million other things I could add but I'm trying to be reasonable.  I doubt I'll get more than those 3 quilts together at the retreat even though it is 3 days.  When I'm finished there Sunday I'll be driving up to visit Sophia, Natalie and their parents.  I'm also planning a trip to attend the FCQ guild meeting.  Fun. 

Don't forget to visit Judy's Patchwork Times to be transported to Design Walls across the Internet. 
Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Good numbers, Bonni and a darling snowman block! Have a fun retreat and safe trip.

  2. Love my Brother..but after one embroided project I just folded guess I need another class?

  3. Love the sneakers fabric, just way too cute. And I'm on my way to get those snowmen, they are just adorable :)


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