
Monday, October 8, 2012

Design Wall Monday 10-8-12

It was a GREAT retreat. Sharon and I had a great time with all the other quilters.  Remember, Halloween is at the end of the month so there were a lot of Halloween jokes and gags going around.  Check out what Sharon got before she passed it on. 
It was a bit hard seeing that 1/4" seam with just one good eyeball!  But she did finish this top: 

I stuck to one big scrap quilt.  Although I kept giving myself deadlines as to how long I was going to work on it.  I was encouraged to keep at it until it was a completed top.  When I started Thursday night I only  had the center 16 patches and pinwheels together.  Most of the other units were made or at least cut out but it still took until Saturday afternoon to have the whole quilt top done.  And, WOW, it really looks good.  I must admit that I didn't work really hard (or actually at all) on getting the triangle border to match right.  I can just hear future quilt historians say, "Isn't it charming.  The quilt maker must have just given up and chopped up those triangles so they fit whichever way they would."  Hopefully they will be that nice. 

Next up was making a few blocks for various activities.  Here are two blocks for baby quilts for the guild.  We got enough blocks to make 3 baby quilts. Look for  pictures of some of the quilt tops we did we these blocks.

I made a block for Faithful Circle's opportunity block for October.  I will be visiting there tomorrow night as I'm up helping Jenny and Brian with Sophia and Natalie.  

Week of Oct 1
Try a little machine embroidery
Make binding for 2 charity quilts√ Sharon and I finished them at retreat.
Knit on Sophie’s sweater
Pack for retreat
Have a blast on retreat
Finish center of Shoebox Quilt didn't even open the box
Finish piecing 16 patch Quilt
Week of October 8
Play with Sophia and Natalie
Return home safely
Make the next 1800 BOM, write directions
Quilt charity baby quilt
Get all my supplies back into the studio
Work on Scrap Squad #5

And here's Sophie modeling her pumpkin tee shirt and leggins.  

That's it from me.  I've had a great week.  Don't forget to look at Patchwork Times for lots of blogs to visit this Design Wall Monday. And I'll try to post more pictures from retreat, but I have to tell you I didn't take all that many. 
Happy Quilting. Bonnie 


  1. I love your retreat quilt and so will future quilt historians!

    Sophie sure is cute in her pumpkin outfit.

    All I managed to do this weekend was sew binding on two quilt tops. Now, I need to sit down and hand-tack them on the back.

  2. I love your retreat quilt too. Great job!

  3. Yeah, yeah, the quilts are great. But look at that smile on my big girl! I need this pic. :-)

  4. I love your retreat quilt! What an ambitious project! I've made one with the same combo of the pinwheel and 16 patch blocks. I LOVE the combination that they produce. I was not as hardworking as you, though, to piece the borders! Great job! And the tee shirt came out adorable, too.

  5. I also love your retreat quilt, Bonnie. That pattern has been on my to-do list for a long time and you've inspired me to bring it up towards the top of my list.

  6. WOW!!! great quilt you put together!! I love to go to retreats!! They are so much fun!! Hugs

  7. I love your scrappy quilt! Great job!

  8. Whooo hooo! Love your patches and pinwheels quilt. I have one in progress and I was stumped for border ideas. I'm loving yours. :-)

  9. Congrats on getting your scrappy quilt to the finished top stage. It's beautiful.

  10. Your scrappy quilt looks great. Your little pumpkin is too cute in her tights and pumpkin shirt.

  11. Your scrappy quilt looks great. Your little pumpkin is too cute in her tights and pumpkin shirt.

  12. Yay! I love Sophie in her pumpkin outfit!!

  13. great scrappy quilt-yea for getting that together at retreat-so many distractions
    cute pumpkin girl! Sophie is getting so big!! oh my, adorable.


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