
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lessons Learned

Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks... or at least this old dog is still learning new tricks.

I decided to try to embroider a Halloween t shirt for Sophie before I see her next week.  And, I thought, I'll make one for Alexis, Sharon's grand daughter also.  Then Pat donated a t shirt I could practice on... cause I know now not to try an embroidery without a practice.   So here it is looking great as a practice piece.  What you can't see is the hole in the shirt where a part of the shirt got caught in the embroidery.   Lesson learned and definitely won't be forgotten.

On to Alexis's shirt.  She's a size 4T so I thought I would go from big to little.  Her little shirt came out great.  Except, I had the embroidery upside down.  (Sorry forgot to take a picture of that.)  Another lesson learned. Hopefully never forgotten.

Next up Sophie's shirt.  I couldn't get a white shirt in her size (2T) so I got a black one.  By now, I'm pretty good at this embroidery thing for this particular design.  Hers went on like a charm.  While the machine was embroidering away I was ripping out Alexis's design.  The second time on Alexis's shirt was a charm.  Only issues with her shirt is the number of holes left in the space after I turned the design the right way. That and the hoop burn on all of the pieces.  I'm hoping a bit of washing will take care of the impression.  But, honestly, the girls are 2 and 3 they aren't going to mind.
I tried a different color pink for the tongue on the white shirt.  I also bought Sophie a pair of black leggings to go with her shirt.  The hardest part?  She is really picky about clothes.  So who knows if she'll ever wear the pumpkin shirt.  I'll try to get it on her and snap a picture to share next week.

I'm getting ready for the Country Piecemaker's retreat.  Sharon is meeting me at it.  Last year I got a lot done and I'm hoping to again this year.  Of course, I'm way behind on getting everything organized.

One last note -- I was looking at my stash report from Monday.  It looks like I've used 6 yards more than I've taken in for the year.  Um, not really.  I've brought in 6 yards more than I've used. Hopefully I won't go wild at Cottonwood tomorrow and I will get a few more things finished in October so I will get to the point of using more fabric than acquiring!

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. That pumpkin is as cute as can be, and I know the girls are going to be thrilled.

  2. A 2 year old who's picky about her clothing? Why, what ever do you mean?
    By the way, do you have a separate machine for the embroidery? Is there a computer involved? So cute!!


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