
Friday, February 1, 2013

January's Stash Busting

Or, perhaps more accurately, Stash Building.

Fabric In
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out
12.5 yds
12.5 yds
8 yds
8 yds
4.5 yds in

When I got Bubbles in the spring last year, I became a participant in a quilt shop program of spend so much money and get a yard of free fabric.  Well, let me tell you, I have a LOT of free fabric coming this year.  Early in January I went up to Cottonwood Quilt Shop in Charlottesville and "bought" some fabric. And, then I didn't buy anything for the rest of the month.  Yeah, all of that fabric was free.  In fact I bought a whole quilt worth of fabric at one time, something I rarely do.  I'll be starting it this coming week too.  

Today I will start cutting some of the fabric for a mystery at Marge's Mystery for Relay. And, tomorrow I will be happily sewing away on some of the new fabric.  My leader/ender project will be Easy Street, Clue 5.  So, I'll be cutting some of those pieces today also.  

Happy Quilting All!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think free fabric should count!!! lol You might want to fix your chart, though. You have 4.5 in in the total in or out column and I think you meant 4.5 yds!!! lolol


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