
Monday, February 4, 2013

Design Wall Monday 2-4-13

New on the design wall!  Well, design cutting table actually.
All pieces cut and bagged ready for Mysteries for Relay weekend. 
It was a Mysteries for Relay weekend starting on Saturday.  I had gathered and purchased fabric in advance.  Friday night I cut it all up to be ready to start the next morning.  Except, Sat night I was AWAKE.  Really awake.  I got every thing cut for the mystery.  Then I went on to cut the next clue for Easy Street.  When I went to bed I was wide awake so I read for nearly an hour... so no, I wasn't bright eyed on Saturday morning.

Some of the units sewn together.
The first clue was to sew 4 patches.  So two hours later the four patches were done and I was way behind on the clues.  And, I was tired.  Break time!  When I got back to sewing I decided I would make some units so I could at least make a block on Sat.  Nope, didn't happen.  This is about all I got done on Sat and Sun.  I really would like to get a block done so I can see how my fabrics are going to work out.  I picked these fabrics from a print fabric that I hope to use for the borders.  Someday I'll be able to see how the block looks with the border fab.  I'll keep you posted. 

Here are the pieces of the clue I am currently working on in Easy Street.  I think the really dark purple doesn't add much I may rethink that color.  I don't have tons of purples so there isn't a whole lot of other choices but I bet I can find some a little brighter/lighter than those stars on deep purple.  
There are 5 little house units as Bonnie Hunter calls them.  Nah, that dark purple is just way too dark. 

The black and white strips will be cut into 3.5" squares. Once these two steps are done I think all the pieces will be sewn.  I know I need to cut some additional fabric that goes into the blocks.  I don't think I'll worry about what needs to be done next until after these two units are finished.  I'm making slow but steady progress on Easy Street.  I don't feel any need to rush. Especially since I can look at all the different settings and borders folks have come up with while I plug away on the basics.  Great inspiration on QuiltvilleChat at Yahoo groups. 
Next up weekly goals review. 

Week of Jan. 27, 2013
Bind small hexie quilt and quilt borders started
Finish string blocks
Make Coffee cup blocks
Make BOM for FCQ√ and mailed
Heart blocks 2 or 3 √ and mailed
Quilt pinwheel quilt
Start Dresden variation quilt oops
Lesson 4 in EQ7 double oops
Keep appliqueing orange peel blocks

Week of Feb. 4, 2013
Finish quilting borders of Hexie Quilt
Quilt charity quilt on Ruthie
Continue working on Mysteries for Relay and Easy Street  quilts
Get oil changed/buy thread for machine embroidery
Make coffee cup blocks
Start Dresden variation quilt
Have fun with Sharon visiting
Embroider 2 shirts 
Keep on appliqueing orange peel blocks

Ok, enough to plan to do this week.  Sharon's visiting on Thursday through Sunday so I should get lots of quilty things done.  I'm looking forward to see what she has planned to show me.  I'm hoping to get one of the charity quilts quilted so she can take it back to Faithful Circle Quilters guild.  I've had 2 quilts for quite a while but haven't actually worked on them because I knew I wasn't going to be going to the guild meetings or seeing Sharon.  Now, I need to get going on one! 

Take some time this week to view design walls all over the internet by going to Patchwork Times.  I'll be spending some time this morning hitting a few blogs. 

Happy Quilting All!


  1. The first mystery project looks very mysterious....I can't figure out how those colors/shapes will all go together!

  2. I need to start kitting for blocks and quilts. I've never done it, but I think it would save me lots of time.

    Have fun this week.

  3. I know that wired and too tired to sleep scenario very well. LOVE your header quilt!

  4. Don't you just hate it when you can't sleep at night and know you have lots to do the next day?!

  5. haha, I use a design cutting table too. Sometimes a design floor, usually when the kids aren't home :)


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