
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Triangle Thursday #6

February 7, 2013

Hour Glass 
This design is #1705 from Barbara Brackman’s Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns.  This is only known as Hour Glass in Barbara's book.  Click here for a printer friendly version. 

Cutting directions are for the 6” finished size.

Number to cut
Light Print Triangles
Use the 2 ” triangle template
Light Triangles
Use the 2 ” triangle template
Light Square
2 ½”
Light Print Square
2 ½”
Dark Print Square
2 ½”

I wanted this block to be in Valentine themed fabric so I actually cut the half square triangles.  (If you want to cut a square to make 2 half square triangle units cut a light and light print square 3” or slightly bigger.  Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner and sew ¼” away from it on each side.  Cut on the center line. Iron toward the print fabric. Trim to 2 ½”.)

Pieces of Hour Glass Block

Make the two half square triangle units first. (I used the Easy Angle and a 2 ½” strip so I have one corner already trimmed.)  Sew the squares together in rows.  Iron to the darker fabric.  

Sew the rows together.  I ironed to the center block although do what you prefer. 

That’s it for this week.  See you next Thursday for Triangle Thursday.

Happy Quilting All!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Bonnie

    I admire the Scrap Squad quilt in your header each time I visit. The pattern and fabric complement each other so well. Nice job!


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