
Monday, March 18, 2013

Design Wall Monday 3/18/13

Not much new to show - - 

I finally realized that the reason I could not make these pinwheels work the way I wanted them to was because I had them twirling different directions.  

So, I unstitched a bunch of these pinwheels and have restitched most of them.  I need to make some more but I'm making progress and should have the flimsy done by the end of the month for sure. 

Here's what's on Ruthie today. I've been doing more on her than on my domestic machine this past week. I'm using my grooved boards for spirals on this section of the quilt and doing some ruler work in the borders.  I hope to finish it this week so I can get on with the binding.  It's been way too long since I've had a major finish.  

For today and tomorrow I have a little distraction going on.  And, another quilter or two in the house.  Sophia's working with my 1 1/2" squares.  She's quite intent on her work.  And, she was great about picking up the small pieces with me. 

Goal worked on this past week:

Week of Mar 11, 2013
Quilt the scrap quilt on Ruthie√ started
Go to Cottonwood and pu Jenny’s sewing machine and some quilt fabric/supplies
Hair Cut
Keep working on Mystery for Relay
Finish enough blocks for triangle baby quilt still working on these
Mail the blocks to Alycia’s QOV no time to go to the post office yet so I’ll probably cut and make a few more
Make Small Quilt Chat’s triangle quilt some work done but definitely not finished
Clean extra bathroom√ and the rest of the house

Week of Mar 18, 2013
Finish the scrap quilt on Ruthie
Finish triangles for baby quilt
Make more and mail QOV blocks
Work on red, white and blue pinwheels
Put Mystery for Relay blocks together

And, here's a last peak at my cutie pies --

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to view Design Walls all across the internet. 

Happy Quilting All 


  1. I am continually amazed at how fast Sophia is growing! She must be changing right before you very eyes.

  2. I love your new quilters. That's the way my DGDs' started. They love design walls. I love the quilt on Ruthie. Thanks for posting and eye candy.

  3. I don't know Ruthie but I may think she is as good-looking as your grand-daughters! Nah, they're too cute. But yes everything looks scrumptous!

  4. Such adorable quilting buddies you have! Your quilts look great, too. I love the bright pinwheels.

  5. Every time I see that quilt that you have on Ruthie I tell myself that I'm going to make one. And yours is terrific. Love the borders you chose too.
    And as for those two cuties, I can't imagine how you could get anything done on Ruthie (or otherwise) with Natalie and Sophia around. I wouldn't be able to leave them alone.

  6. I love that quilt on Ruthie!! That's going to be wonderful. And that little quilter so intent on her work, adorable. But that last picture of the two little ones just made my day, what a heart warming picture!


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