
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Eye Candy Instead of Triangle Thursday

I've been swamped this week and haven't got a stash of finished blocks for Triangle Thursday.  So in lieu of TT I'll be showing some eye candy from the last meeting of the Country Piecemakers quilt group. 

This is Bonie's quilt.  The main pictures of the trailers and camping things were from fabric.  I love the creative way she set these blocks including a road. 

Mercy used up a lot of her blue scraps with this one.  

 This is a work in progress by another Bonnie in the group. (I think there are either 3 or 4 Bonnies in a group of less than 40.  What?  I always thought Bonnie was an uncommon name until I got involved with quilting.) 
Bonie and Bonnie are both doing this cute applique quilt.  They are both using some of the fancy stitches on their sewing machines so check these close ups. 

Thanks to Bonie and Bonnie for letting me share their work.    

I'm hoping to get into the studio to do some quilting on Ruthie.  I haven't done any more of it since I showed you the scrap quilt on Ruthie on Design Wall Monday.  Maybe by the end of the weekend I'll have the quilting all done but it may not happen as I have SC Day of Service on Saturday.  That is 
Univ. of Southern California Day of Service.  Current students and alumni groups across the world participate in a day of giving back to the communities that we live in.  We'll be doing some work on a playground for an Autism center.  Darn, too bad the weather is going to be COLD.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Isn't the weather today crummy? At least it is here in Yorktown--it snowed, for crying out loud! I loved the eye candy. That moose is so cute! I made moose/bear quilts when I lived in Alaska.

  2. Thanks for sharing photos of these lovely quilts.


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