
Monday, April 8, 2013

Design Wall Monday 4-8-13


This has been a long time in the works.  The top was finished in October last year while I was at retreat.  I find it funny that this side of the quilt was photographed -- see the perfect meet up of the triangles?  The other side I was so tired of trying to figure out how to get them right that I just chopped them off!  This is from a Better Homes and Gardens Scrap-Lovers' Quilts.

I used concentric circles grooved boards for the inside quilting.  The other two borders just have a single line stitched through the center.  The triangles have some half circles.  It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to quilt this one except I knew I wanted to use the circles in the center.  

The binding was a piece I got when I purchased bags of scraps at my guild's auction a few years ago.  Hindsight -- I wished I used a dark binding or possibly dark, pieced binding.  But I'm tickled to have it done.  

Not the greatest week for goals!

Week of April 1, 2013
Quilt 3 charity baby quilts√ two and a half are done
Find backing for my triangle quilt and quilt it √ backing is ready but haven’t quilted it yet
Put together the rest of the units made of the Mystery for Relay quilt  11 of 16 blocks done
Mail QOV blocks and the heart block
Hem the darn burgundy pants Decided to wash them before hemming in case they shrank. 

Week of April 8, 2013
Finish the charity baby quilt on Ruthie
Load, quilt and bind my pinwheel charity quilt
Hem the burgundy pants
Finish the mystery blocks
Finish the brown bag block
Cut the kitty cat fabric quilt (yes, something new!!) 
Go through pants in my closet and get rid of what I don’t wear**

** I've been trying to do a little closet cleaning of late.  So every week I've given myself a task.  Most of the times I haven't added it to my list but, this time I really want to get some stuff cleared out and given to charity.  Shouldn't take all that long as I'm only doing one little section. 

Take some time this week to visit other design wall blogs listed at Patchwork Times. (oops, Design Wall Monday on Patchwork Times isn't up yet.  Check later for the link.) 

Happy Quilting! 


  1. What gorgeous eye-candy to start the week! It is such a pretty quilt. I've made a similar one with the pinwheels as every other block. It makes for such a nice secondary pattern. I love that you softened all the straight lines in the piecing with circular quilting. Love it!

  2. Bonnie your quilt is beautiful. Congrats on the finish. Hugs

  3. Love how you finished your quilt off. Mine is ready for borders, and I couldn't decide so I put it away.

  4. Love the quilt. Don't you just love circles! I love the secondary pinwheels made with this pattern. Have a fun week.

  5. An excellent finish - it's a beauty!

  6. AWESOME!!!!!! Love it Bonnie...I think you did great..I even pinned to my pin board on pinterst as inspiration:):) Hugs my friend

  7. This is just beautiful! Love it!

  8. This quilt finish is wonderfully scrappy. You may already know this but Tara Darr of Sew Unique Creations has created a new Yahoo group called "simplycharmingscrapquilts". You might be interested.

  9. I love the quilt. It's on my list to do one day.

  10. woo-hoo for your finish-love it, I made the pattern when it was in the magazine.

  11. Congrats on your finish. It is wonderful!

  12. Congrats on the finish, what a treasure that is. I just love scrap quilts, especially ones with little pieces! Just beautiful How big is it? It looks huge.

  13. Love your quilt. I, too, like to quilt curves on quilts with squares. And, I am also cleaning out my closet. I still have clothes I wore when I was working, retired almost 7 years ago. I loved those clothes but almost never wear them so I am getting rid of them. I keep a basket in the closet and try to drop something in it almost every day.

  14. This is the perfect "ultimate" scrap quilt...I love it! So pretty and full of energy!


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