
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Triangle Thursday #12

April 4, 2013
Eccentric Star
This design is number 1683b in Barbara Brackman’s Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns. It is attributed to Nancy Cabott. Nancy Cabot was the name Loretta Leitner used to write a daily column for the Chicago Tribune offering a quilt picture along with some information about it.  According to one of the columns  “if you wish patterns for these historic quilts, send 5 cents in stamp and coin for each pattern ordered . . . “  You can read more about Nancy Cabot at Illinois Quilt History website.  You can get a printer friendly copy here. 
Cutting directions are for 6”
Number to cut
Cream Triangles 
2 ” triangle template
2 ½”
Rust Triangles
2” triangle template

Here are all the pieces laid out in the correct order.
 I started by making all of the  half square triangles. Press toward the darker fabric. 

I highly recommend you lay out the block after you sew the half square triangles.  It’s easy to get a square going the wrong way. Next, sew the units into rows. I ironed the units in the center row toward the square.  The top and bottom rows the units were ironed away from the center unit.

Once the rows are done, sew them together matching where the units meet.  I ironed the rows toward the center. 

Another triangle pattern complete.  I have quite a few of these rusty colored triangles so I am hoping to use most of them – I might actually have enough to make some small quilt top eventually.  Happy Quilting! 

1 comment:

  1. Once more, thanks for the block directions. I may not get to it for a while, but I downloaded the PF version.

    Love that Bassett fabric!


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