
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March Stashbusting Statistics

I had a big finish for March and boy did it eat up the fabric!

Fabric In
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In/ Year
8.25 yds
32.50 yds
14.75 yds
23.75 yds
8.75 yd

So I'm not in the black yet but I am moving forward on it each month.  Maybe this month I won't go wild buying fabric.  

Pat and I had planned to recover my ironing board on Sunday afternoon with fabric from my stash but we were both pooped from all our singing Easter morning.  Hopefully this month the big board will be recovered.  I've got holes in the current cover.  

I've already gotten a few items ticked off my to do list this week.  I'm working on the Mystery for Relay quilt.  10 blocks out of 16 are done.  Once I get those done I'm going to decide if I want to do a few more rows as I am hoping to make this a lap size quilt. 

Tomorrow I hope to get another charity baby quilt done.  Come visit tomorrow to see the Triangle Thursday block.  It's another 6" block. I'm trying to use the same group of leftover triangles so that I can make a small quilt with it. 

Happy Quilting All! 

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