
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Triangle Thursday #26

Cactus Pot
This design is number 700 in Barbara Brackman’s Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns. It is attributed to “Oklahoma Farmer Stockman” periodical. This design was published in January, 1930. Go here to get a printer friendly version. 

Cutting directions are for 6”
Number to cut
Triangles –
4 rust,
6 background
2 brown
Use the 1.5” template.  Or cut 2 rust sqs., 1 brown sq., and 3 background squares at 2.5”. Draw a line down the center and sew ¼” from each side, trim to 2” unfinished. If you have trouble making half triangle squares cutting the squares slightly helps to make more accurate units.   
Large Triangles
1 rust
1 brown
Use the 3” template. Or cut 4” squares and follow the procedure above.
Background Squares
2 background
2 background
2 x 3.5”

Here are the pieces that will make up this block.
Make half square triangles:  Sew the triangle sections together. I actually cut one pair as a square so I followed the directions above for that.  You will end up with 4 rust/cream and 2 brown/cream small triangles.  Then sew the larger triangles together.

Layout all the pieces as shown above.  Be careful to keep the half triangle units going the correct direction when you sew them together. That’s a major reason I pin my pieces together.  Sew the 2 pairs of rust/cream triangles together. Sew a brown/cream to the short side of each of the cream rectangles. I generally pressed all seams to the darker fabric.  Sew a pair of triangles to the larger triangle unit.  Sew one of the cream squares to the other triangle pair. Then sew that to the other side of the larger triangle pair. Next, sew the rectangle/HTS (half triangle square) unit to the bottom of the main unit.  Now sew the last cream square to the other rectangle/HTS unit.  Sew that unit on the block. 
You are done! Sorry I didn’t think to take pictures of how I sewed the units together.  A picture would definitely have helped.  

Happy Quilting All! 

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