
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Design Wall Monday 9-29-2013 Ooops! A Day Late

I have a great reason to be a day late on my design wall: 
Welcome to the world Elise Mae!  
Born Friday, October 25th.  She weighed in at 9 lbs, 3 oz. Here she is at less than one day old. 
Here she is at about 2 days old with her proud Daddy, Kevin.
And Mommy Aimee and Elise just home from the hospital. 3 days old. 

Ellie joins our other two grand daughters, Sophia and Natalie. 
Grammy and Peka are proud as can be! 

Nothing else to show this week since this would trump anything I showed! 

Needless to say it did impact what I got done this week. 
Week of October 21, 2013

Border bright and white 4 patch
Load and quilt Michelle’s Black and White√ loaded but waiting for new thread
Trim and bind baby quilt from June retreat Trimmed but no binding applied
Try lace applique on embroidery machine problems with applique software…
Load bright and white 4 patch on Ruthie
Sew together pinwheel quilt
Sew up 3 pillowcases √ well one was done and one pinned.
Border Shaded 9 Patch No time!

Hopefully I'll get more done this week! 
Bind June retreat quilt
Load and quilt bright and white 4 patch on Ruthie
Quilt Michelle’s Black and White
Make binding and bind Michelle’s Black and White
Sew together pinwheel quilt
Sew up 3 pillowcases
Border shaded 9 patch
Help out at photo session at church Sat.
Make desserts for Election Day bake sale 

That's it for today.  Time to make some progress on this list! And, October is coming to an end really soon and I need a few finishes besides pillowcases!

You can still check blogs across the internet at Patchwork Times

Happy Quilting All!   


  1. What a sweetie! I'm guessing she is your granddaughter? You are so right, nothing can beat it!

  2. Awwwww! Babies always trump. :-D

  3. Absolutely no way could you top this!! How beautiful she is. Congratulations. Grandchildren are the best - they bring out other emotions you didn't know you had.

  4. She is so pretty. My friend had her baby girl Oct. 24,2013 and they name her Elise also. I love the name.


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