
Monday, November 11, 2013

Design Wall Monday 11-11-13

Wow, did this past week zoom by.  And, this week doesn't look like it will be any slower.  Does time speed up the closer we get to the big holidays?  ie, Christmas and Thanksgiving? 
First off, I made the block for Queen Bee, Ashley.  Lots of triangles but not all that hard.  I like that it is a big block! It will go in the mail to her soon.  (Note to self, get it mailed!) 

Both of these baby quilts were turned in to Country Piecemakers this past weekend.  They will go to the neonatal unit at one of our local hospitals.  I had a third one almost ready but it didn't get finished.  Don't I look bored in the green quilt pic?  

On to the goals. I thought I hadn't gotten much done so I was surprised when I got to the end to realize I had gotten quite a bit done -- there's was a lot on the list. 

Week of November 4, 2013

Finish binding on bright and white
Quilt Michelle’s Black and White
Make binding and bind Michelle’s Black and White nope!
Load and quilt Kate’s green 1600 quilt
Border shaded 9 patch nope
Use x block ruler to cut 9 patches and make last two rows of red, white and blue quilt um, no again
Plan Christmas placemats
Sew three more pillowcases
Make labels for quilt group

And this week's list is a little more reasonable as I'll be visiting Ellie this week. 

Week of November 11, 2013
Border shaded 9 patch
Use x block ruler to cut 9 patches and make last two rows of red, white and blue quilt
Spend a day making baby quilts: blue one, more pinwheel blocks into quilt top and cut fish quilt out
Spend a day sewing some Christmas placemats with Jennie and Diana
Visit Ellie and her parents!
Load a baby quilt on Ruthie and quilt it?

Speaking of Ellie -- Kevin sent us a couple of pictures last night.  I thought this one is too cute.  The white to the right is Mommy keeping her snug. 
Ellie, 2 weeks old and Homer -- um 7 or so? maybe 8?
Take a look at Design Walls around the internet by first visiting at Patchwork Times. 

 Happy Quilting All! 


  1. The photo of Ellie is precious. I love how the dog is curled around her.

  2. That red and white block is gorgeous, looks like lots of little pieces.

    Looks like Ellie found a nap buddy. Too cute!

  3. Awwww, what a sweet baby photo. The red and white block is so striking!

  4. I love your red and white triangle block.... and the picture of your granddaughter with her furry friend!

  5. Precious photo of Ellie and Homer!


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