
Monday, November 18, 2013

Design Wall Monday 11-18-13

This past week got away from me.  

I spent one day making place mats with my neighbors.  They got several done, I got one done.  I proceeded to cut out more while they were sewing.  We had a great morning chatting and working.  Except, I cut both borders too short.  ARGH!  I was able to cut the 2 smaller pieces from the long pieces that were wrong.  The wrong short pieces are going to become bricks in a baby quilt.  And, off to JoAnns I went the next day to get more of the border fabric which they actually still had. Thank goodness. 

I spent a day being a Christmas Mother "shopper".  I'd never heard of that organization until I came here.  There are lots of toys, clothing, books and games organized on tables at the old Armory.  The shoppers get a list from either a needy family or children of what they'd like for Christmas from the organization. Shoppers try to find what they want in all the items there.   I thought it would take me an hour or so.  Wrong, I was there for nearly 3 hours.  Then it was on to JoAnns. 

Thursday I got a little sewing done and Friday we were off to visit Ellie and her parents.  No wonder I don't have a lot of finishes on my to do list.  And this week doesn't look like it will be much better. 

Here's what I've done recently: 
This is a pattern shown on Missouri Star Quilting on You Tube.  The pattern idea comes from 3 Dudes Quilting in Phoenix, AZ.  You can watch the video here to make your own. 
I haven't decided if I am going to put a border on it or not.  These strips were gathered from here and there.  Many of the strips were duplicated but some were just one or part of one strip.  It isn't a particularly fast way to make a quilt but it is a little more interesting than the basic 1600 Quilt.  

I finished this little quilt last week.  It was the March challenge on Small Quilt Talk Yahoo group.  I went a little crazy.  The half square triangles finished 3/4" or so?  I'd have to run upstairs to measure them.  I think it ended up 7 x 10" in the end.  I used a decorative stitch on Bubbles in the border.  Some how the corners all came out pretty good.  Amazing.  Below I've let one of my bears hold it. 

As noted above, I was busy this week and sewing wasn't the main thing! Maybe this coming week I'll get more accomplished on my list.  (Or, maybe I should put everything on my list I know I will be doing!) 

Week of November 11, 2013
Border shaded 9 patch
Use x block ruler to cut 9 patches and make last two rows of red, white and blue quilt
Spend a day making baby quilts: blue one, more pinwheel blocks into quilt top and cut fish quilt out√√ actually I sewed a little on the fish one
Spend a day sewing some Christmas placemats with Jennie and Diana
Visit Ellie and her parents!
Load a baby quilt on Ruthie and quilt it? √ started at least

Week of November 18, 2013
Play with Natalie as she recuperates
Attend Faithful Circle Guild
Use x block ruler to cut 9 patches and make last two rows of red, white and blue quilt
Finish baby quilt for CP Guild
Load green quilt on Ruthie
Make a couple of placemats
Try to do SOMETHING, any thing on shaded 9 patch!
Get binding on black, white and bright baby quilt.

By the way,  Cassie, the yellow lab, mentioned that she wanted equal time. So here she is with Ellie.

Don't forget to take a look at Design Walls across the Internet by starting at Patchwork Times. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Glad you were able to find the same fabric for the border.

    I've never heard of the Christmas Mother program: it sounds interesting.

  2. Awww. Sweet dog, sweet baby, sweet little quilt. :-)

  3. Sweet picture of Elle with Cassie.

    Nicely done on the doll quilt. At least there was some sewing action in the middle of all the other stuff.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.