
Monday, November 25, 2013

Design Wall Monday 11-25-2013

I'm making a few house blocks.  One is done and 2 more need to be made.  I'm not sure why but I don't particularly like making house blocks.  These go to Joan from the FCQ Equilter group.  It was suppose to be done between Sept and October.  Here it is the end of November and I'm finally working on them!  I think the kitty in the window is going to get part of his paw cut off when sewn with other blocks. 

I'm in the process of making 10 placemats for Christmas.  I've had nothing but trouble with them all caused by ME!  First, I cut the border strips the wrong length and then had to go out and buy more fabric.  Then I' misjudged the backing fabric so I decided to use all sorts of different greens that some I cut wrong so I will have different size placemats.  Then I ran out of batting that wasn't all that big a deal as I just used a different type.  I have 3 done, 3 ready to stitch the binding down and 4 cut out and waiting.  I'm tickled because I only had to buy the white and gold border fabric. (Ok, buy it twice...but it'll be a great baby quilt next year!)  The rest came from stash.  If you want to make your own, visit the Quilt Patch and type "placemats" in the search box. They have lots of different patterns for the quilt- as-you-go placemats.  The directions are on a laminated card.  I bought Picture Perfect and left off the corners and added a different border fabric. Most of the batting was a puffy poly that had iron on adhesive.  It worked pretty well and I was tickled to use it up!  

Here's what got done this week.  Remember, I spent three days away from home so I didn't get as much done as I had hoped to. 

Week of November 18, 2013
Play with Natalie as she recuperates √ well, she slept instead
Attend Faithful Circle Guild
Use x block ruler to cut 9 patchesand make last two rows of red, white and blue quilt will get them sewn together at some point
Finish baby quilt for CP Guild √ -- 5” short of finishing the quilting and the backing ran out. I took it off Ruthie and will add more.  But it goes to the back of the line now. 
Load green quilt on Ruthie it’s ready to go
Make a couple of placemats√√
Try to do SOMETHING, any thing for shaded 9 patch ARGH!
Get binding on black, white and bright baby quilt.

Week of November 25, 2013
Load and quilt Kay’s green quilt
Make more placemats 
Finish hand sewing binding on black, white and bright baby quilt
Sew last two rows of x block together and on to the rest of the quilt
Cook and Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner
Make at least one more house block and get it in the mail
Load Jenny’s Row-by-row quilt
Knit on any of the various projects I have going! 

Sophia has started preschool at Univ. of Maryland. She was showing me her pictures so we recreated it at home.  

I leave you with this little shocker.  Yep, here in Central Virginia at the end of November it was 18 degrees this morning.  YIKES.  

Take a gander at other design walls by visiting Patchwork Times

Happy Quilting All and Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating this week. 


  1. Your placemats are cute - love the Santa fabric.

    Wow, Sophia in preschool - blink and she will be in elementary school. Yikes!

  2. Very cute Santa placemats. So glad I'm not the only one who mis-measures fabric. Darling preious little girl. They are what make Christmas so special.

  3. Yep. It was 18F here too! And it’ll be 63F at midnight tonight. What gives???

    Love that Santa fabric. :-)


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