
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Down Time With Natalie

I had a lovely visit with my Maryland guild, Faithful Circle Quilters, last night.  It was great catching up with my old friends and meeting new ones.  I saw a couple of gorgeous quilts.  I only got one picture as I was helping Sharon baste a quilt.

Barb B had a wonderful Easy Street done except the binding.  I loved her border which she used with permission of another Bonnie Hunter fan. I may need to try it too. I sure hope mine turns out as well when it is together. 

Today I'm babysitting Natalie who has been sick for the last few days. I spent the morning being a human mattress. After I woke up I was able to move Nat to a quilt on the floor. She's still asleep as of  2:30. Oh yeah, did I mention she was awake much of last night?  
She hasn't moved much since I put her down 3 hours ago. I sure hope she sleeps tonight!  

Happy quilting all! Bonnie 


  1. Your friend's Easy Street border is wonderful.

    Oh my long naps are good, but I sure hope Natalie sleeps tonight, too. Obviously her little body needs the rest to recuperate.

  2. I remember those days of holding children & then gr-children for hours when they were ill. My last all niter was my granddaughter who is now soon to be 13:) Hope she Natalie is feeling better soon. Love the border on the quilt too.
    Sharon L.


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