
Monday, November 4, 2013

Design Wall Monday 11-4-13

Late today as I was out of the house at 8:15 on my way to pick apples! Sadly, I have nothing new of mine to show today. But I can show you what is going back on Ruthie. 
Michelle won these blocks from our block lotto at the retreat.  She quickly sewed them into a baby quilt and passed them on to me to quilt and bind for her.  Hopefully I'll have that all done by this Saturday's meeting.  I won 6 of them also but I haven't decided whether I want to make more or do something with only 6.... decisions, decisions. 

Next up is a label Jenny has made for her Row Along quilt. (Hum, I don't think I've taken pictures of it since I've gotten it.  Notice she has me down for quilting it... and this pic is from June! I received the backing from her last week so it is in line to be loaded on Ruthie.  Luckily she doesn't want it back until we see her in early December. 

How about my goals... not the most productive week but I had several events happening so didn't have as much time to stitch. 
Week of Ocober 28, 2013
Bind June retreat quilt
Load and quilt bright and white 4 patch on Ruthie
Quilt Michelle’s Black and White didn’t happen
Make binding and bind Michelle’s Black and White or this either
Sew together pinwheel quilt √ started
Sew up 3 pillowcases
Border shaded 9 patch wasn’t even looked at
Help out at photo session at church Sat.
Make desserts for Election Day bake sale

Week of November 4, 2013
Finish binding on bright and white
Quilt Michelle’s Black and White
Make binding and bind Michelle’s Black and White
Load and quilt Kate’s green 1600 quilt
Border shaded 9 patch
Use x block ruler to cut 9 patches and make last two rows of red, white and blue quilt
Plan Christmas placemats
Sew three more pillowcases 
Make labels for quilt group

That's it today.  Make sure to visit Judy's Patchwork Times for the links to design walls across the internet. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Six blocks would make a small table topper or a runner.

  2. I got behind in reading your posts. Congratulations on the birth of Miss Elise!
    You're not alone in having acquired more than you've used so far this year.
    I made quilt very similar to your lotto blocks.
    Hope this week will be pleasantly productive!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.