
Friday, November 1, 2013

Stashbusting Report -- October

Way too many purchasing opportunities this month and not that much finishing going on! 

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

I purchased all sorts of fabric -- for the Shaded 9 Patch, for the white and bright 4 patch shown below,  and some fabrics for stash building. (What?  Building stash???)  Well, it's fun to get some new fabrics even if they aren't earmarked for a specific project.  I was hoping to finish that white and bright 4 patch before the end of the month but little Miss Ellie had a different idea. And, yep, I'm so glad she's here! 

Here's what's been happening around here: 

Are you going to be making this year's Bonnie Hunter Mystery, Celtic Solstice?  I haven't decided whether I will or not.  I stopped at Lowe's while we were dog sitting last weekend to pick up the color chips.  And, just look how well these new fabrics go with the cards.  These are from Connecting Threads.  The plain orange is Mirage in Carrot, the yellow is Classic Dot in Sun,  the last one is Pin Dots in Light Carrot. (It's on sale now too!)  I spent a tiny amount of time looking for a Moda blue I have but couldn't find it.  Maybe I put it with some other project... (note to self, hunt down that fabric!) 

The guild will be having a pillowcase day soon.  In the past we've had fabric donated to us.  This year the members are also adding fabric.  So, I made up 4 pillowcases mostly from the fabric I bought at a guild auction a couple of years ago.  I'm really happy to be able to put some of those fabrics to a good use. I've got 4 more pillowcases ready to sew up.  I might do it before our sewing day so I can concentrate on the kits we made up last month. 

Here's the bright and white that came off Ruthie today.  I will be working on the binding this week, hopefully.  I used my spirals grooved boards.  I've got another quilt to throw on Ruthie tomorrow that I'll use the same design. 

Remember the high tea I served last December to the tea group? You can read about the meal here.  It was Jennie's turn to host us for October.  (She's the witch in the center...)  Let me tell you about Jennie -- she LOVES Halloween.  Her house is decorated all over with Halloween decorations (see the black bird on the wall and there are bats that went up the back wall too.)  She suggested we come in costumes and several did.   That's me with the sedate necklace.  Mickey (2nd from the right) came as an alien but she'd taken off her mask by this point. Our zombie and Red Sox fan were in costume too.  We always have a good time when we get together.  Plus she had a little craft for us to do.  I'll show you what it was when she sends it over.  It needed to dry before it could be moved.  The disappointing (really?) part of Halloween last night is we had very few kids come by so we have pounds of candy left.  Oh well.  I guess we'll have to eat it. 

Hopefully I'll get more things finished over the next few days but we've got a few things to do so I won't be having much quilting time.  Sigh. 

Happy Quilting,


  1. Is that 78 yards of fabric. That's a lot. Keep up the good work.. Everyone looked like they had a great time.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I made an apron out of the lady bug fabric you used for a pillowcase - it's a fun print.

    Love the Bright and White quilt.

  3. We had less trick or treaters too. I don’t know why as the weather was great. Oh well.

    Mmmmm. Love your spirals. I’ve collected the paint chips too and now have to decide whether I’ll play along or just collect the pattern. I haven’t done one for a few years so I’m considering jumping in. :-)


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.