
Monday, January 13, 2014

Design Wall Monday 1-13-2014

Busy week.  Sharon came down to go to the Country Piecemakers guild meeting and attend the stain glass class.  Great fun.  We both liked the class a lot. 
I really like it so far, although I might have chosen a different inner border if we didn't work from the outside in.  There is one more border to put on.  And, all of the leading has to be sewn on each side!  Yikes, put an audio book on for that!   Here's Sharon's.
I love how she used the design in the fabric to add to the overall design.  You might want to click on the picture to see it enlarged. 

On to my goals for last week: 
Week of January 6, 2014
Sew brown & blue blocks together√ more done but more left to do
Sew baby quilt together√ looking for border
Take down ornaments & tree
Try Sizzix cutter oops again
Clean the house
Prep for Stained Glass Class
Finish FCQ Equilters block and mail
Find snowman kit and put together Well, I found it but it is exactly like it was when I found it!

Not a bad week considering I did a whole lot of things that weren't on the list! This week's list isn't all that long as I have several meetings/lunches to go to. 

Week of January 13, 2014
Continue sewing brown & blue blocks together
Put together snowman kit
Put borders on Stain Glass project, start sewing the leading down
Clean excess fabric scraps off cutting table
Trace the first three blocks of Christmas Favorites quilt. (Yep, I’m starting something new! OH MY)
Play with the Sizzix!
Embroider a kitchen towel for me! 

I highly recommend you spend some time being inspired by quilters across the internet.  Visit Patchwork Times to see what is on design walls this week. 

Happy Quilting, 


  1. Wow -- the stained glass blocks are gorgeous!! What a fun class it must have been -- lucky you!

    I've found that if I moderate my comments after a post is a couple of days old, the ad comments hit that and I can easily delete them without them showing up in comments! :)

  2. I love both of the stain glass projects. One of these is on my list, I just don't know where on it. I love your work.

  3. Both blocks are stunning - simply gorgeous!

  4. Definitely look like stain glass.

  5. Beautiful stained glass blocks Bonnie!!! The color just shines out of them :*)

  6. nice sewing, great pattern.
    i found the Benjamin Biggs quilt as a free monthly bom [after one month there is a cost for that months block]
    at the following link.

    you can read all about the original quilt here. it is a block a month for 25 months. with so many other people making the quilt, there will be alot of support along the way. i am not sewing the buds in the corners. right now that is too much sewing for my wrist. maybe in 25 months i will feel better but for now i have sewn as much as i can.

    thank you for visiting my blog


  7. Love the stained glass blocks. I've always wanted to try them. Great colors.

  8. These are wonderful. They actually look like glass.


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