
Monday, January 6, 2014

Design Wall Monday 1-6-2014

Last week was an auspicious week around here.  Monday, Jan 30, 2014 was Pat's last day at work.  He is now officially retired.  Except he's lining up a few things to keep him out of mischief.  We'll see if they keep him from under foot.  First change was we were off to the Y at 7:30am working out on a Monday.  Yikes.  That makes my post later than I usually do it. I'll have to think about how I want to handle that, I like to get my post up earlier rather than later.  Here's what's on the design wall today. 
These blocks should have been done during November and December but someone was goofing off or perhaps working on Christmas stuff?  Hum, lots of orange and purple in these blocks.  They will be going to Beth, when I finish them, as part of the FCQ Equilters group.   And, here's a close up.
I really like this block used with a conversation print in the middle. 

One last photo: 
Do you use these red and white clips?  I was lucky enough to have two sets of them gifted to me over Christmas.  And WOW!  I love them.  I used them to finish these ornaments and then for a binding.  Super easy to use and better than the hair clips I used to use.  I'm sure I'll find a lot of other uses too. Thanks Jenny and Sandi, my small quilt talk secret santa! 

I did pretty well on last week's goals.  Although some of the things I did just enough on to say I worked on something but not enough to make a dent. (Think cleaning the studio!) 
Week of December 30, 2013
Sew backing for X block quilt
Load and quilt X Block quilt
Bind X Block quilt
Clean and put away stuff in the studio√ could put more away
Try my new Sizzix cutter oops forgot to try this
Make FCQEquilter blocks
Get back to working on A Tisket, A Tasket
Finish baby quilt -- not even touched

Set up new Mac Power Book YIPPEE!

Week of January 6, 2014
Sew brown & blue blocks together
Sew baby quilt together
Take down ornaments & tree
Try Sizzix cutter
Clean the house
Prep for Stained Glass Class
Finish FCQ Equilters block and mail
Find snowman kit and put together
Have fun with Sharon

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to visit design walls across the internet. Bloggers are getting back into posting now that the holidays are behind us. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Bonnie, I *love* my clips!! I won a set as a door prize at guild, and then got a big box of 50 for Christmas last year -- they making binding stitching so much easier! Enjoy! :)

  2. What cheerful blocks! I like to use conversation prints for baby quilts and appreciate finding new blocks to use them in. As for when to post -- I usually compose my DWM post on Sunday night.

  3. LOVE love love your churndash blocks11

  4. I still use large hair clips; perhaps, I need to try the binding clips.

    Have you tried scheduling your blog post? On Sunday afternoon, I prepare the week's posts and schedule them to be publish on specific days. It gives me "extra" time during the week.

  5. I love the binding clips as well. I just bought an extra pack while quilting notions were half off at Joann's. Love your blocks -- such a nice collection of brights and novelty fabrics. What a fun kids quilt it would make.

  6. I could put more away in my studio - if there was space!

  7. i used to add weekly to do list on my blog and i accomplished a lot. after seeing your list written out, i am going to go back to writing my to do list again. thanks for the reminder.

    kathleen mary

  8. Love your bright churn dash! Might just have to make one myself this year.


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