
Monday, May 12, 2014

Design Wall Monday 5-12-2014

Good Morning All... or good afternoon ... or good evening!  I was able to make progress on several sewing fronts recently.  Here is where two projects currently stand. 

First, the sailboats. I didn't have enough fabric to cut both the top/bottom and both sides borders.  Darn that directional fabric.  I had to come up with a work around.  So each border will have some pinwheels in them.  I waited until Sharon came to double check my math.  Yesterday I got all the borders cut and the side borders are ready to sew on.  That will happen this week sometime. Rats, I just noticed I didn't align the pinwheels.  I think it looks better with the red blade going top to bottom so I guess I'll do a little ripping out and change the pinwheel on the left. Sigh.

Next up is more progress on the rail fence stars.  This is such an easy block although I'm noticing it is hard to get it really accurate. And yet, it isn't all that noticeable when put together.  Let me know if you would like a tutorial on this baby quilt.  It is easy and fast.  The one thing I would suggest is do NOT use directional fabric!  

I pulled out some old bow tie blocks yesterday and have enough to make a quilt. Country Piecemakers has added a nursing home to support with our charity quilts.  They don't need large ones, just big enough to cover laps especially for the folks in wheelchairs.  I for one look forward to using other fabric in my stash, rather than just the baby fabric.  My first one will be made from bow tie blocks that I've been making for years.  It used to be the block I would make as an ender.  I guess I got tired of it as now I use a second planned quilt as my ender.  

My goals all got met this week.  Of course, there weren't many on the list as Sharon and her hubby were down this weekend and I spent time trying to finish a quilt on Ruthie and get ready for the guild meeting on Saturday. 

Week of May 5, 2014
Finish curved piecing wall hanging√ oops I didn't even take a picture of it! 
Make BOM and write directions
Finish quilting QOV quilt currently on Ruthie
Work on the sailboat quilt

Clean the house

Week of May 12, 2014
Get borders on sailboat quilt
Make 2 Rainbow Scrap Color Challenge blocks
Finish rail fence star blocks & sew together
Load & quilt baby charity quilt on Ruthie
Load another QOV quilt on Ruthie
Make blocks for FCQ Equilters (2 different sets -- I’m behind!)

I'll leave you with a picture of Natalie wearing the shirt I made her for Easter.  The kids and grands stopped at our house on the way to North Carolina for the weekend. Jenny made the shorts which fit really well.  Unlike the shorts I made that didn't fit well at all!  Oh well.  It helps to have the person close by to fit the clothing to!  That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!

Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and browse Design Walls across the Internet.  You can start your journey at Patchwork Times

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. The sailboat quilt and stars blocks are great!

  2. I would love to know the measurements for the Rail Fence Stars. This looks like it would make a wonderful Scrappy Quilt and I could used a pattern that is quick. thanks for sharing.

  3. I like the pinwheels in the borders of the boat quilt. Sometimes necessity results in some cool design features we wouldn't do otherwise.

    I like the Rain Fence Star quilt. It would be a great pattern for scraps.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.