
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Color Challenge Blocks

I've caught up on my Color Challenge Blocks!  Earlier this week I made the green and the purple one. 

Here's what all of them look like together. 

Hum, I wonder if I might need to put a sashing between them? 

I'll audition them together and sashed once I get them all made.  Wild colors and yet they do go together... well, except maybe the green... it's more yellow green.  I'll withhold judgement until later.  

I also finished putting together the fabric for a mystery quilt I will be doing with the guild in June.  I have had the focus fabric for ages. I found the burgundy Moda Marble in the stash too.  There was a blue-green fab in the stash that I was willing to use but I didn't think I would have had enough.  So I got the blue and gold fabric at the quilt show at the beginning of the month.  No luck on having enough fabric in my stash to use as the background so I picked the beige at the quilt store Tuesday night when I went to the embroidery class. 

Bubbles, my Bernina workhorse, was left for a spa week.  Hopefully only a week.  I've stitched almost 2 1/2 million stitches with her since I got her in February or so of 2012.  I was surprised to see that almost 1/3 of those stitches were on the embroidery side.  I guess I have been using the embroidery unit a lot! 

Take a peak at other Color Challenge blogs by going over to SOScrappy.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I love your fabrics. Either way you choose to put them together, will be lovely. Sharon L.

  2. Great looking colour challenge blocks. There are 7 more colours to go so I'm sure those greens you're concerned about will fit somewhere.

  3. Your challenge blocks are GORGEOUS!

  4. I think the green fits in nicely. Great blocks.

  5. Lovely blocks. How about black for the sashing?

  6. Don't we miss our machines when they are at the spa!?!?
    Your blocks look awesome - sashing or no sashing, they are great! And I love the green!
    Once you get more colours in there, it will be right at home!

  7. Love the colors and the blocks. At first I thought they would look good butted up against one another, but the smashing will help each block shine. I think I'd go with sashing if it was my quilt.

  8. I think the green block looks great with the others. Sashing seems like a great idea, but time will tell I am sure.

  9. I think sashing would probably be a good idea, but you have a few months before you have to decide.

    Love your mystery quilt fabrics. I've been trying hard to buy larger cuts of white, black and beige when I find it on sale. It always seems like I never have enough of anything for backgrounds when the time comes to start a new quilt.

  10. Love your blocks and fabrics. I think I would sash the blocks.


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