
Monday, May 26, 2014

Design Wall Monday 5-26-2014

It looks like I got a lot done this week.  I did load another smaller quilt on Ruthie and got it quilted.  Then both small quilts got the binding on and I sewed them down by hand at the Sunday Sit and Stitch for Country Piecemakers. Note to self, it would have taken a whole lot less time to stitch both sides by machine! 
This bow tie quilt is very small -- 30" x 36".  The guild has taken on another charity -- a local nursing home.  They want small quilts to put over laps of folks sitting in wheel chairs.  Several of us have made some and we are hoping to get a better idea of what size they would like.  I used some King Tut variegated thread that was a sample either when I bought the machine or when I went to a long arm convention. I loved how it looked in all the white spaces. Blocks were left overs from when I made a lot of bow tie blocks as enders.

Next up is a pinwheel quilt.  I used a new panto on it called Coquina.  I don't really like dense quilting so this was perfect for me.  I do wonder whether I would prefer it if it were just a bit smaller.  I believe the panto is 8" wide. Easy to do and gives nice texture. 

I know my dedicated readers have to be saying, oh yea.  She's got some nice finishes this month.  WRONG!  These blocks came from my FCQ Equilters. Not one block was from my stash. Sigh.  And the backing is a basketball print from Joe Boxer that Kay found at a thrift store and gave to the guild. Sigh. At least the binding was from my stash.  At least I will have quite a few blocks going to other FCQ Equilters this week.  (Note to self, finish the cute birds for Pam!) 

Goals got some tick marks for completions but most items were moved to this week rather than actually finished.  Sigh. 

Week of May 19, 2014

Load and quilt QOV quilt on Ruthie
Make blocks for FCQ Equilters ½ done
Make backing for Dots for Tots/sailboat quilt I did actually make some progress
Cut fabric for heart quilt to take on retreat √ at least the black was cut,  still need to cut the red
Bind charity baby quilt √ actually I quilted a second one and both are bound
Decide on another UFO to work on…
Get back to work on Christmas Favorites

I'm down to copying and pasting items since I didn't get all that many done. 
Week od May 26, 2014
Finish blocks for FCQ Equilters
Make backing for Dots for Tots/sailboat quilt
quilt QOV quilt on Ruthie
Decide on another UFO to work on…
Get back to work on Christmas Favorites
Figure out border on older mystery quilt

My tea group got together on Thursday and after the tea we learned how to make bows.  Here are Beth, Anna and Mickey working hard on their bows.  The best part is all of the bows turned out so nicely.  I need to try another one so I don't forget how to do it!  

Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times with lots of links to other Design Walls this morning. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Love both far as Joe Boxer basketball fabric on the back, it just makes that fun quilt even more fun! And whoever uses these are going to be thrilled with them!

  2. Very pretty finishes. I'm not a fan of dense quilting either, I really like the quilting on both your finishes.

  3. Great quilts - have the same issue on finishing charity guild quilts and not using my own stash. But it's all good in the end and someone will be happy with a beautiful quilt!

  4. Love the bow tie quilt. The colors are beautiful.

  5. Great finishes. Dense quilting makes the quilt hard and not the least bit cozy,

  6. Oh that first one looks so modern! I love it. I didn't see the bow ties at first lol. I'm so into white these days...
    what kind of bows did you make? Were they for hair or for quilts? I'm thinking of a design for a baby quilt and the dad makes bow-ties so I wanted to try and incorporate that into the quilt. hmmmmmm......


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.