
Monday, May 19, 2014

Design Wall Monday 5-19-2014

Yea for getting several things done on my goals list last week.  You can read the specifics farther down.  But one was to get the borders on the Sail Boat quilt.  Now to figure out how to quilt it.  I know I have to have some swirling wind in the background.  But what to do about the hulls and sails? 

I've started trying to figure out what to do for the backing. I really would like to buy a backing but I have several pieces of fabric and some left over half square triangles I can put on the back.  It'll take me longer to do it but I'll use what I have on hand for the back. 

Here are the Rail Fence Star blocks all ready to be sewn together.  I may bring them with me to the retreat and sew them into a quilt there. 

Many of the goals got check marks next to them this week. Since Bubbles was in for a spa treatment (ok, an oil and lube job and cleaning) I couldn't work on one of the items on my list. 
Week of May 12, 2014
Finish getting borders on sailboat quilt
Make 2 more Rainbow Scrap Color Challenge blocks
Finish rail fence star blocks and sew together
Quilt baby charity quilt on Ruthie
Load another QOV quilt on Ruthie
Make blocks for FCQ Equilters (2 different sets -- I’m behind!) Started but not finished…

Week of May 19, 2014
Load and quilt QOV quilt on Ruthie
Make blocks for FCQ Equilters
Make backing for Dots for Tots/sailboat quilt
Cut fabric for heart quilt to take on retreat
Bind charity baby quilt
Decide on another UFO to work on…
Get back to work on Christmas Favorites

Have fun visiting Patchwork Times where you will find links to all sorts of Design Wall postings. 

Happy Quilting All!


  1. I envision waves splashing against the boats!

  2. Love your blocks! The sail boat are really cute. I agree waves along the boats and swirls in the sky. and I would do some crazy free motion pattern in the sails that are different for each boat. I am nuts like that.

  3. I couldn't pick a favorite between these two quilts. Both are colorful and fun!

  4. Great quilts!! I love the sail boats. What about waves on the hulls and continuious curve on the sails. That border fabric is awesome. I adore those rail stars, do you have a pattern for those?


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