
Monday, June 30, 2014

Design Wall Monday 6-30-2014

Good Morning All! 

Here's what is residing on my design wall today.  Yes, it's something new!  Amazing. 
These were last year's Brown Bag Blocks.  I put the precut strips of fabric for the baskets in the brown bag along with a cute little dresden plate ruler and the background fabric.  Each person who got the bag was asked to make a half dresden plate and then baste it to the background using a large machine stitch. I had 10 blocks which included my sample block.  It's going on the back with the names of the block makers on it...or at least that is my plan! 

Black handle with small rick rack.

The Country Piecemaker guild saves August for the time to return the Brown Bags to the owners and for members to bring in finished BB projects to share.  I decided it was time to get hopping on these blocks.  I am hand appliquéing them to the background and putting the center circle on them. Then I'll be machine stitching the rick rack down to make the handle.  Do you agree with me?  The purple is way too big!  The black is just some rick rack I had hanging around the studio.  I think it looks pretty good.  What do you think? 
Large purple rick rack handle

Hum, I may need to hit JoAnns to see if there is a bigger size than the black but smaller than the purple.  I can do that sometime this week before I need to sew the blocks together.

On to the weekly goals... 
Week of June 23, 2014
Quilt Rail Fence Stars currently loaded on Ruthie
Pull out last year’s brown bag and figure out what to do
Finish the embroidery on the A Tisket, A Tasket blocks√ (ok, I need one tail to finish them…)
Keep working on pieced border for Carolina Christmas
Begin to finish all the blocks for the Mystery of Powhatan

Plan next BOM for Country Piecemakers√ it’s planned but I still need to make a sample and write the directions

Yep, it looks like every item is marked off.  I actually finished the Rail Fence Stars quilt.  Photos to come soon. Now what's up for this week? Not as much as we are having some neighbors over for a Fourth of July barbecue.  We'll need to spend some time on that this week.  

Week of June 30, 2014
Finish quilting fish quilt
Bind fish quilt
Keep sewing Dresden plates to background
Make star blocks for Mystery of Powhatan
Make sample block and write direction for BOM
Clean house for a neighborhood July 4th party

I'm linking up with Judy's Patchwork Times Design Wall Monday.  Come on over to visit a lot of design walls.  You might want to get your coffee or tea first so you can enjoy the journey. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Super cute! I don't need cute ideas like this right now....I want to make some of these, but I've so many other quilts going right now.

  2. I agree that the purple rick rack is too big for the handle. It's going to be a cute quilt!

  3. What a cute block! The purple is a bit large, but I like the color with the dresden plates. Great idea.

  4. A great collection of blocks. Yes, the purple is much too large. The black looks good,

  5. Such a cute idea. I like the purple color ... but I think the purple rick-rack is a little too large to read as a handle for your basket.

  6. Beautiful, bright baskets! Very cute.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.