
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stashbusting Report -- June

Evidently I have been able to contain my urge to buy more and more fabric this month.  Unfortunately, I didn't make a dent in the fabric stash though.  I was in and out of home so much this month that I didn't actually finish all that much  and that is what I count as used: a totally finished project.  (Or if blocks are going off to someone else I count that fabric as used.) Here are the gruesome details:

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

I've been getting my 6 - 1/2 yard short stack of fabrics from Pink Castle for 13 months. I will be canceling that now.  I love having a bunch of fun fabric in my stash.  I've used some of it but not all of it.  It is great to be able to go to the stash and be able to pick out fabric I can use as go withs. Here's part of my last batch of fabrics.  These were the darker of the gray fabric. 
It was fun to get this in the mail so I may look at some other fabric in the mail offers or perhaps a bom. (Me? a bom kit? Maybe.) 

I have a baby quilt on Ruthie with very little left to do.  I was hoping to finish before the end of the month but that just didn't happen.  It's a great way to start July -- with a finish! 

Tiger was very happy I was able to do a squeak-ecktomy on him. His stomach was ripped out and his squeaker didn't squeak so I put a new squeaker in and a bit more batting and sewed him up.  Next he needs to go for a spin in the washer to bring him back to all his glory.  Did you even know you can buy replacement pet toy squeakers through Amazon?  Neither did I but that's what I learned.  Silly Tiger, he had a smile on his face all during surgery. 

I'm off to vacuum and clean a bit.  Then I'll try to get to the studio for a bit today.  

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. I didn't know squeakers could be purchased: good to know.

  2. Your stash increase isn't too far into the red. Summer is just a hard time to use much.


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