
Friday, June 13, 2014

Retreat Quilt Show!

It hardly seems that a week has gone by since I arrived at the Faithful Circle Quilters retreat last Friday. Today, I bring you the first of maybe 2 posts sharing the tops made by the quilters last weekend.  For some reason I took quite a few pictures with my iPad which is difficult for me to get edited and onto my regular laptop.  I may try to do a post from the iPad later.  We'll see.  Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit back and enjoy the show.  I've tried to get the owner's first name on every quilt but 1) I might not have heard who it belonged to and 2) I might have gotten the wrong name with the quilt.  So if you were there (Sharon, Kathleen, MaryBeth and anyone else who was there) send me an email so I can correct it. Thanks. 
We had several Bonnie Hunter aficionados.  And this belonged to one of them.  Steph?  Paula? MaryBeth?  Who claims this quilt and what's the name of it? 
Pat was sitting at the table next to mine so I saw her put this whole quilt together.  We thought it was pretty funny as we were both using the same book, Circle of Nine, as the basis of what we were working on. You can see my heart quilt here. It's the second quilt down.  I used the setting for existing blocks. 
Hum, I have no recollection of who did this quilt and I don't know if it got sewn together over the weekend.  Help? 
A really cool use of striped fabric.  Nancy Martin completed this.  I don't know if it was from a kit or she put all of these fabrics together.  
Maria was sewing like a fiend and got this project done.  These are all leftovers from other projects she's done. Amazing.  I don't know if she started this at retreat or if she finished it.  I sure hope she just finished it! 
Maria put this together using fabrics left over from another quilt.  Nice job. 
Hey Kathleen.  She's a follower and I had to throw in a picture or two.  We had great internet connection but not so good for the cell phones. 
Linda made up this kit from flannel.  She said it didn't take all that long. 
Here's an project that Judy brought out and finished the top. I don't think I got a photo of her other project.
Sharon's pinwheels #1-- most were left over from her demo at the FCQ quilt show in May. 
Sharon's #2 pinwheel.  She did make a few blocks for these quilts.  And, she was vacationing the week before the retreat so she didn't arrive until early Sat. morning.  She missed 3/4th of a day of sewing. 

These are more of Sharon's pinwheel blocks but with the Paula Henry style.  If you don't follow the directions and turn your pieces wrong you get this version of the pinwheels.  It actually looks pretty cool set with all the same style.   
We had a slightly larger room this year and it gave us a bit more elbow room in which to work.  We also lost a whole wall of windows but considering it was hot this weekend not totally rainy and stormy like last year, we decided it was probably better not to have the heat pouring in!  The room was right next door to the dining room which was way bigger than the number of tables.  So we started laying out our quilts in the excess space.  By the end of the brunch on Sunday we were actually running out of room.  It was inspiring to walk into the dining room and see all the projects folks were finishing.

Hope you've enjoyed the show!  
Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Wow, fantastic quilts - every one of them!

  2. Beautiful projects. Looks like it was a productive weekend for everyone.

  3. Oh my goodness how busy busy you all were!! I love that one using the stripe fabrics too, and I'm very inspired by the one where she used the scraps. I need to use up some scraps for sure!!

  4. Thanks for taking so many great pictures at the retreat! The first quilt uses Bonnie Hunter's Blue Ridge Beauty pattern, pieced with every color in the scrap basket. Value is important with this pattern so I avoided mediums and only used lights and darks. The third quilt is based on Bonnie Hunter's Dancing Nine patches, but the blocks are disappearing 4 patches. Looking forward to the next retreat! Stephanie

  5. I'M FAMOUS!!! I'm in a BLOG!!!! It really was a great weekend. I took pictures but I tend to procrastinate taking them off the camera. Eventually.

  6. Geez. My Blue Ridge Beauty is going to be BORING. Love the scrappy one! If you ever find out more about that stripey quilt I’d love to know more about it.


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