
Friday, July 25, 2014


Just dropping in to share a finish with you. I love how these colors pop!  This is such a great pattern to use with a novelty fabric! 
This pattern shouldn't be new to those who read my blog.  Check here to see the last one of these I made.  The pattern is Two's Company by Kerie Patch Designs.   I have another one started that a guild member made as a kit for another baby quilt.  I need to add a border and then find a backing.   I also have some wonderful butterfly fabric that I'm hoping to use when I do another one.

I couldn't resist using this photo as it shows off my marigolds so well.  Unfortunately, we had a big storm yesterday so the flowers are a bit bedraggled.  I've been really good about deadheading these but the bees took exception to it this morning! 

I'm linking up with TGIFF and Link a Finish Friday.   Go take a look at what others have finished recently.  It's time to get up and do something that will end in a finish!  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Very nice - I love that bright yellow burst of color!

  2. those colors just pop, and I love that pattern, going to have to go check it out.

  3. What a great quilt!!! And you are right about using those motif fabrics in a quit like this. It really props.

  4. Fun pattern and beautiful garden!

  5. Such a bright and fun quilt! Congrats on the finish and on the lovely garden.


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