
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Not Quilting but Cute

I've actually been quilting a lot this week.  YEA!  But what I have to share are two cute snowmen Diana and I made.  She had already made one and I really wanted one too.  I spent the morning with her yesterday and we each made one.  Here's mine.
And, here's Diana's. It will look really nice with her original snowman which is made on a Pringles can. 

And here they are together.  I used a Pringles can and Diana had an old Slim Jim container.  I think we may need to find something else to do together as we had a great time.  We bought the same kit for making berry baskets while on vacation (separate vacations, go figure!) so that may be our next effort.  We  decided to wait until the cooler days of fall to work on them.

Next up two cute snowmen! 

I'm hoping to post again tomorrow with a finished quilt!  Now, back to quilting. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. These are cute little guys. Clever to recycle the containers, too.

  2. Hi Bonnie, These are so cut are they a kit or pattern? They look like something I could make with my granddaughter.


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