
Monday, December 15, 2014

Design Wall Monday 12-15-2014

Busy week but not much to show for it.  I quilted several tops on Ruthie for other folks and didn't take pictures.  But here are a few things I have been working on. 
The grands are getting new shirts for Christmas.  This cute penguin is for Natalie. Sophia gets the polar bear.  I haven't started Ellie's yet.  That will be done today. 

I've also been slowly getting the binding done on my Carolina Christmas.  I'm about a third of the way done.  But probably won't get back to it for a few more days. 

Did you hear about the kerfuffle with Clover Wonder Clips?  Evidently someone is actually making counterfeit clips and selling them as the real thing. Check out this link for more information The information is in a box about half way down.  Or save time and just click on this one:  It shows the real packaging and the counterfeit packaging along with what is different between the two, especially how to tell if the clips are real.  Why would someone counterfeit sewing supplies?  Why not just make your own version with some changes.  The reports I've read have said the fake clips catch on fabric, break easily and don't hold as well.  Amazon sells the real ones but some of their vendors have the counterfeit ones.  I use my clips all the time for lots of different things. I'm glad I've had mine for over a year before all of this started.  

Enough of that unpleasantness.  Here's how I did on my goals last week. 
Week of December 8, 2014
Make binding for Carolina Christmas and bind it√ It’s well on the way
Finish quilting table runner for Jane
Finish baby charity quilt top, quilt and bind it
Quilt 2 or more charity quilts √ one done
Socialize like crazy over the weekend when every single party we’ve been invited to is being held!√ one was postponed until later.  Thank heavens.  
Try to get blocks in the mail√ Pat got 2 sets to the post office for me.
Decide and write up pattern for BOM
Make mug rug for swap

And this week-----
Week of December 15, 2014
Embroider stuff! Shirts, towels etc.
Get Christmas cards written and out in the mail
Order new glasses
Appts., Woman’s Club and Tea Group Lunch out
Make aprons for the grands
Wrap presents
Work on ornaments for the grands
Finish snowball blocks for FCQEquilter

Don't forget to check in with Patchwork Times for the links to Design Walls across the Internet. 
Happy Quilting All!


  1. Wow, I'm amazed the counterfeit product's packaging is so similar. Thanks for the links.

    The shirts and their embroidery are fantastic. The girls will love them.

  2. The shirts are so cute, the kids will love them! Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  3. Love the embroidery! Such cute designs. Makes me want to get my machine set up and running again.
    Quilt looks fantastic. Thanks for the info on the clips--I love those little things.

  4. Love the shirts, both are very cute.


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