
Monday, December 8, 2014

Design Wall Monday 12-8-2014

I've been quilting like a fiend.  After I finished a quilt for Kay, I threw my Carolina Christmas quilt on Ruthie.  It is so discouraging to have several really smooth passes and then start having bobbin thread breaking.  UGH.  After several rows with a couple of breaks on each row, I decided I would try an old Bobbin Genie that I had hanging around.  WOW!  What a difference that made.  I finished all the rows with no more breaks.  Amazing.  Of course, I ran out of bobbin thread once or twice! It was a dark day when I took this but you get the idea. When the binding is on I'll take "official" photos of it. 

Next up on Ruthie was a little table runner a friend wanted quilted.  I hemmed and hawed over it for a while as I wasn't sure what to do with it.  But, I really want to get it back to her by this coming Saturday so I threw it on Ruthie. (Well, ok, that makes it sound weird.  I carefully placed it on Ruthie.  But using the Red Snappers makes it really fast and easy especially for such a small piece.) I am using Quiltmagine software for the Nolting and the more I learn, the more impressed I am with it.  I wasn't sure how I could do a side triangle but it was as simple as pulling up the pattern, clicking three times on the corners of the "block" and stitching it out.  I am so happy with my computerization!  
Since I've been spending so much time on the quilting side of things not much piecing has been getting done.  The quilt from this post is 2 seams away from being finished.  It should be going on Ruthie next.  I'm just doing an edge to edge design on it so hopefully that will be done today.  After that I have 2 more charity quilts.  Then I'm taking a break until next week!  I'd love to get a few more of my quilts done as I have been buying fabric like crazy.  I chose to buy backings for several quilts on Wednesday last.  I wonder if I can use as much fabric as I purchased this month? 

On to the goals.  Not everything was accomplished but I did succeed getting several important things done. 
Week of December 1, 2014
Start and finish Hokie quilt for Kay
Finish up blocks that need to be mailed out more were done but nothing is in the mail
Mail out blocks for various recipients nope!
Continue knitting on turquoise blue sock nothing
Order Christmas Cards
Get one of my quilts quilted

Clean quilt studio; put new fabrics away√ well some got put away…
Week of December 8, 2014
Make binding for Carolina Christmas and bind it
Finish quilting table runner for Jane
Finish baby charity quilt top, quilt and bind it
Quilt 2 or more charity quilts
Socialize like crazy over the weekend when every single party we’ve been invited to is being held!
Try to get blocks in the mail
Decide and write up pattern for BOM
Make mug rug for swap

Hum, that list doesn't say anything about Christmas presents.  I need to get going on that.  Yikes. 

I'll be linking up with Patchwork Times.  Come take a look! 

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. Hi, Bonnie. I was at our Nolting dealer and they recommended the Quiltmagine to help limit the standing / wrist/ arm pain, etc. Do you need to stand-by the machine as it is going? Have you noticed any less physical strain by using this? How big is the learning curve?

  2. Sound like you are getting a lot done in your studio.

    Your friend is going to love what you are quilting on her table runner.

  3. Nice quilting! You are getting a lot accomplished with Ruthie. That has to feel good!

  4. The red thread on Carolina Christmas is going to look gorgeous.

    One reason I'm not sure I want my own long arm is then I have to quilt what I piece. It's hard enough to find the time to piece. It sounds like you are having the same issue.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.