
Monday, June 8, 2015

Design Wall Monday 6 - 8 - 2015

I'm writing from Maryland before I head back to Virginia.  Sharon suggested I stay overnight Sunday as we were able to stay and sew at the retreat until 4 although we left around 2:00 or so.  I thought I took lots of pictures but I realized I really didn't.  Here's a little bit of what was taking place at retreat. 
Paula is our intrepid retreat planner and leader.  She does a fantastic job and this one was no exception. Earlier in the year she gave each of us a fat quarter of sewing related fabric.  We made a small gift, wrapped it and then did a gift exchange along with telling a little background on each of us.  (note to self -- take pictures before giving things away! Nope, no pictures of my little purse and cord wrap.)  One of the most popular items was this little chicken pin cushion.  Talk about personality!  I'm pretty sure Jane made it and I know Amy captured it.  Gifts could be stolen from the owner but after the 2nd steal the gift was no longer eligible.  Lots of fun and great gifts. 

A lot of consultations went on amidst the sewing.  What a wonderful place to get good advice. None of us are shy about giving advice, that's for sure. But the combined experience of 26 quilters is invaluable. 
There were many a finished top too. 
Pat finished this entire top at retreat.  (Well, she did have it cut out in advance!)  Although she did mention she probably wouldn't be cutting out a quilt on vacation late at night again. 
Several people were working on quilt designs by Bonnie Hunter.  Here's Stephanie's Turkey Track started at the class in early April.  
All good things come to an end.  Several of the gals have purchased these carts to make it easier to cart their supplies around.  The retreat house had several also. Linda loaded one up with her stuff including an interesting squid bag.  No those grommets weren't the eyes.  Those will hold the handles somehow. The fabrics have squid on it.  She also made great ginger cookies using Star Wars character cookie cutters.     

This was a fun-loving and generous group.  Without a doubt I can say a good time was had by all.  I'm ready to save the date for next year's retreat whether it is moved to May or stays in June. Next retreat for me is in October with my local guild. October seems way too long away.  

It's time for me to start the drive home.  But, I don't want to forget my goals for the week. Here's last week's goals. 
Week of June 1, 2015
Make retreat giftie

Pack supplies for retreat
Continue working on Galaxy
Start working on Easy Street again no time!
Work on black and white log cabin oops! Nothing done it stayed in Virginia
Enjoy retreat in Maryland √√√√!

It's hard to figure out what I should be doing this coming week.  But I think this list is probably pretty accurate. 
Week of June 8, 2015
Unpack from retreat
Power up Ruthie and quilt wild dogs
Quilt one more quilt
Put borders on Galaxy

I'm linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. It looks as though a grand time was had by all!

  2. I love my wagon, they are so handy! Whoever made the chicken was artistic! The retreat looked like lots of fun. Is this a regular yearly event with most the same people??

  3. I agree with Nann and Lori, it looks like everyone had a fun and productive time.

  4. I LOVE that chicken pin cushion!! Did you go home with it or someone else. Love the turkey tracks quilt, thats' on my to do list. Sounds like you had a great time.

  5. That chicken pin cushion would be hard to resist. Looks like lots of fun was had and progress was made by all.

  6. I love that chicken pin cushion! I'm sure everyone had fun at the retreat!

  7. Just gotta love that chicken pin cushion! Also, I love that you posted about your little gathering with quilters. I just love to see what other quilt groups are up to.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.