
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Settling Back In

I've taken several days to get back into the mood to sew after getting home from retreat.  Finally, I finished loading the Wild Dog quilt on Ruthie.  And, then I figured out what I wanted to do to quilt it.  Sometimes that is the holdup on a quilt. I knew a few things going into it.  I don't really like heavily quilted quilts so I knew this one wouldn't be.  I knew it would be custom quilted rather than an edge to edge computerized design.  Once I figured out the how to quilt it I got right down to work.  I used my little dog paws on the outside border.  Unfortunately that border is blue, yellow and blue.  I chose a lighter grey-blue in hopes it would be visible on the navy but not too visible on the yellow.  Nah, you can't really see it on the blue at all.  Oh well.  
The paws are actually computerized.  I'm having them "walking" around the quilt.  But to get the sides as one long quilt-out I'm turning the quilt on the frame.   Each dog block has stipple quilting in the background.  The sashing has zig zags quilted on them.  All that is left to do is the side borders and one background.  Yep, this one should be done soon.  No clue what color I'm binding it in. I do know I am going to do both sides of the binding by machine.  It will get done so much faster.  I have some more hand work to do -- all the dogs need eyes -- probably buttons. Here's Priss ready for her eyes. 
Here are a few more quilts from retreat.  First up, Nancy talking about her quilt during our Sunday morning show and tell session. 

MaryBeth was working on a t-shirt quilt.  Sad story as the t-shirts were owned by her son-in-law's brother who died way too early.  This quilt is for his son.  She will be making 2 more for family members.  This one turned out spectacularly.  I love the orange she used for the sashing and that the shirts are different sizes.  It looks great.  I'm sure the little boy getting this quilt will cherish it.  

Watch for more retreat pictures over the next week or so.  I think I have more but I'll have to figure out where they are.  

And here's Miss Natalie at the beach.  Her family spent the week at the beach house with some of their friends.  By the end of the week the girls looked exhausted.  I bet they slept well each night! 

That's it for me today.  
Happy Quilting All! 


  1. It always takes me a bit to get back into a routine when I've been gone.

    The T-shirt quilts are going to be cherished by the sons. I love the orange sashing on the quilt, too.

  2. Wild Dogs is looking good. Hope you get more stitching done this week.

  3. Tell Nancy I LOVE LOVE LOVE her quilt!


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