
Friday, September 4, 2015

A Finish by Friday

Yes, I'm actually getting quilts finished!  YEA!  This is a donation quilt for the NICU at a local hospital.  I try to make one every month along with the things I am doing for myself. 
I love using stripes for binding.  This was just sitting around the stash.  Yea for serendipity. 
I took the quilt to the front porch for a photo shoot.  Love this fern on the porch so had to figure out how to get it in the shot!
And almost the whole quilt.  I may need to figure out a clothes line I can put up to show the whole quilt; the top border is hanging over the back of the railing.  You can read more about this quilt here.  There's a better picture of the pieced top there too.  I used a new edge 2 edge design called Double Bubble.  It's a good design to add curves to a geometric design.

One of the best things about this quilt is all the fabric came from my stash. Generally the quilts in the book More Quilts for Baby Easy as ABC use small amounts of fabric so those 1/2 yard cuts can be put to good use.  And, remember, just because it says baby doesn't mean you have to use baby fabrics.

Some of the trees have begun to lose their leaves.  The cherry trees in the yard are almost all without leaves.  Now some of the big hardwoods are beginning to turn.  Their leaves are turning to the yellow green instead of the vibrant green of the spring.  Here's what our biggest cherry tree looks like and some hardwoods behind it.  (cherry to the left.) It's hard to tell but the bare branches cover the left half of the picture. 
Pat and I went out to dinner last night.  Here's what greeted us as we drove down the driveway.  This appears to be a family unit.  Mom on the left, baby to the left of the lamp post. Dad (with antlers) to the right of the post.  I'm not sure about the one to the far right.  I thought it was a baby, but maybe not.  My other pictures were all blurry.  It isn't unusual to have deer hanging around the yard but to be able to snap a picture, in focus, with my cell phone -- not bad.  But I wish they'd leave our gardens around the house alone.  

Today I'm linking up with TGIFF,  LAFF,  Let's Make Baby Quilts! and Can I  Get a Whoop Whoop?. (Really, a period after a question mark?  Well, Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? is the blog title and my whole sentence is definitely not a question.  What do you think grammarians?  Yes, or no to the period?) 

Today I'll be quilting on a customer quilt.  I should have pictures of it soon.  

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. Congrats on your finish. It always feels rewarding to finish something for charity. And that's quite a deer family you have hanging out in your back yard :)

  2. I'll give you a Whoop, Whoop! Well done.

    I think the quilt looks great draped over the railing and on the rocker.

  3. Both the quilt and the deer are lovely to look at. I don't think the period is necessary at the end of a sentence that ends with a question mark. But, I might be wrong since I didn't look it up! lol

  4. Love that binding. LOVE the quilt in your blog header. Just gorgeous! Congrats on another finish.

  5. Congrats on the finish! I have a hard time getting good shots of my quilts when they are done. Love the deer.


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