
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

August Stashbusting Statistics

Wow!  I knew August would be a great month for using up fabric -- I just didn't know how good it would be!  And, I bought a bit of fabric too. 

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year


Color me tickled pink!  The biggest part of this is the queen sized Trip Around the World quilt I showed here. And, I finished another donation quilt that I'll be showing later this week. 

I've been goofing off for the last few days and really haven't spent all that much time in the studio.  Therefore, to make sure there is at least one photo on the blog I'm showing a quilt that is being donated to an auction at church.  I enjoy donating my quilts to great causes.  It makes room in the house for more quilts and it raises funds for causes I support.  I finished this one a few years ago.  I'll probably make a new label for it and that's all I need to do.  I like this quilt but I've never used it as I have so many other ones. It is a disappearing 9 patch.  

This was a group quilt (in a way) where all participants were given the same oriental fabric.  We each made 9 patches and then swapped the blocks. I forget how many blocks we got but I eventually sliced them up and made this quilt.  I imagine I added some extra blocks.  I do remember how much I like/d the yellow I used for the binding. 

Today I'm linking up with Let's Bee Social.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I LOVE your trip around the world quilt. Good for you on the stash busting!

  2. Congratulations on your great August numbers!

    I love the yellow binding on the donation quilt, too.

  3. Congrats on the great stash busting this month!


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