
Monday, September 28, 2015

Design Wall Monday 9 - 28 - 2015

I've got a very busy time during this end of September, beginning of October week.  The end of the week is a quilt retreat with 3 days of sewing, no cooking, good friends and a beautiful location.  Needless to say I need to get all my projects organized and ready to go!  

Before that I have a bunch of stuff to do.  Here's what I'm working on.  I really would like to finish the teddy bear top before the end of the month.  If you remember I said I was going to use turquoise but Sharon's good sense prevailed.  I found a perfect brown that goes nicely with the bears. So, it's bordered and ready to be loaded on Ruthie.  

The border fabric is directional and I needed to think about how to use it successfully.(Click on the picture to enlarge it.)  I only had a half yard.  So I made sure that the pointed ends all faced the quilt.  I rather think the brown design mirrors the little hearts the teddy bears are holding.  This will be quilted and bound by Wednesday if at all possible! 

Additionally, I have a table runner to bind so that I can give it to Sharon to take to an auction at Faithful Circle Quilters.  And, daughter Jenny has asked me to do a fast turn around quilting job so she can get the quilt to a woman who is fighting a returned bout of breast cancer.  Because I don't have a huge quilting business I can generally get a quilt in and out of my house within a couple of days.  This one will arrive today sometime and I should get it back in the mail on Wednesday.  

The last couple of weeks I have been doing some embroidery.  I decided I liked this cute little spider so well that I wanted to use him on a mug rug.  I had the perfect Halloween fabric to go with it too.  I used the haunted house fabric on the back too.  It's old but perfect for this and great to use up a little bit more fabric! 
On to my goals this week as I really need to get up to the studio to get some quilting done!
Week of September 28, 2015
Quilt and bind teddy bear top
Quilt top for Jenny
Bind table runner
Sew down the Dresden plate and the center circles
Organize supplies for retreat
Have lots of fun at retreat

Here's what I got done over this last week. 
Week of September 21, 2015
Name and label quilt being donated to church auction
Pack up & mail blocks to Fran
Finish embroidering various projects
Finish teddy bear top
Sew down the Dresden plate and the center circles
Make Christmas table runner to donate to FCQ fall auction√ need to get the binding on

I've got a packed week and really need to get several things done before I go to retreat. So that's it from me for now.  I'm linking up with Monday Makings and Design Wall Monday.

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Yes, brown for the bearsNice to have that flimsy ready for quilting. The mug rug is a great way to use that orphan block. Hope you have a great week, Bonnie.

  2. Great finishes and near finishes in this post.

    Enjoy your packed week and the weekend retreat.

  3. Love the teddy bear quilt top! It is too cute.

  4. Cute projects! The mug rug is inspiring me to get the embroidery machine out :-)

  5. The teddy quilt is very striking and I am also loving the little mug rug.....cute haunted house fabric. Have a great stitching week!

  6. The brown is prefect for your little bears quilt. Love the spider mug rug. You've had a productive week.

  7. Oh - Love the mug rug. And the perfect haunted house fabric to go with that GREAT spider.

  8. Love your teddy bear quilt!...and the spider web. Thanks for linking up.

  9. That spider did make a super cute mug rug! Great teddy bear quilt. :)


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