
Thursday, October 1, 2015

September Stashbusting Report

Another month has whizzed by.  Before I leave for my quilt retreat let me share the good news!  I was  pretty successful using fabric this month, especially since I didn't have a big project that got finished. 

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year


I was trying to get a small donation quilt done also but I needed to pack for the retreat. It will be listed in October usage.  As the song goes "My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...."  It should be a lot of fun but could possibly be a bit more challenging then our usual retreat.  

First the temperatures will be 20 degrees cooler starting tomorrow -- highs in the 50s.  Then we're suppose to get a lot of rain.  Third, there is a hurricane, Joaquin, that is looking like it is going to hit North Carolina and Virginia coasts and move inland.  
Here's what the models are predicting... looks like spaghetti to me! 
And, here's what the Weather Channel is predicting... Hum, it shouldn't hit central Virginia until Monday afternoon.   Good thing we are all going home Sunday morning.  4 to 8" of rain is expected to fall between Thursday and Monday afternoon.  It's not looking really good for our trip to the beach house on Monday either. 
What this doesn't show is the walk down the hill, over a stream and up a rise to get from our sewing rooms and sleeping area to the dining hall.   This part of Virginia has had so much rain recently the ground is getting saturated, sounds like flooding may be a possibility.  In the last five times I've gone on this retreat we've only had rain once.  Let's hope the creek don't rise and it doesn't rain at meal times!  I may take some granola bars so I don't have to go over for breakfasts!  I'm also taking a "real" book just in case we lose electricity at some point.  We'll have lots of fun no matter what! 

I scheduled this to upload at 7:00 am this morning. Um, no, didn't do that.  Good thing I checked. Now the storm is a category 3.  And looks like it is coming our way to some degree.  Fun times ahead!   I'm heading out early tomorrow so will end with Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Have fun, stay dry, and don't take any unnecessary risks.

  2. Praying that the worst of Joaquin avoids your area ... have fun at your retreat!

  3. Looks like you won't have to deal with a hurricane, but sounds like you really got the rain. Hopefully it was still a good retreat.


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