
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Little Reveal

I went to lunch with some friends yesterday -- we like going to Buffalo Wild Wings.  Usually on weekdays at lunch it is fairly quiet.  Not yesterday -- music was blaring.  TV's were on.  None the less, we had a great time talking and eating.  

We also exchanged our Christmas presents. Now I can show one of the secret embroideries I have been working on recently.  I've been giving these gals embroidered towels for several years now.  They've already gotten Christmas, Valentine's Day, and fall towels.  This year I was aiming for the Fourth of July.  But, I actually did something that will work for all patriotic holidays. 

The sad part of these towels through the years is I've only made myself one of them.  And, thinking about it, I think it was a reject from the fall monogram. Maybe I should make myself at least one of each design I've already made for them. 

I've really enjoyed doing all the embroidery this year.  But I'm ready to get back to piecing and quilting again.  I've snuck a few blocks in over the last few weeks.  I'm hoping to cut out and sew a new quilt next week.  We'll see if I can.

I've still got a few presents to wrap and some desserts to bake.  I feel pretty relaxed this year compared to past years.  Tomorrow it is pie and cup cake day. 

I'm linking up with Let's Be Social at Sew Fresh Quilts.   One of my goals for 2016 is to post more than once a week. I've gotten some great suggestions from Nancy who blogs at Wyoming Breezes. How do you keep up with blogging more than once a week or so?  Any ideas are gratefully accepted. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Very pretty towels. You should definitely make a few for you.

    My biggest challenge to blogging more than once a week is having the photographs to go with the posts. I'm trying to get in the habit of taking at least one photo before I walk out of the sewing room after a stitching session.

  2. Those towels are really cute. Maybe at the next mini retreat you could help me make some.

  3. Ooh, the towels are lovely - clever of you to create gifts that can be used on other occasions.

    Merry Christmas


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.