
Monday, December 28, 2015

Design Wall Monday -- 12-28-2015

It's the last Design Wall Monday of 2015.  I'm going to share some of the things I made for the grands for Christmas this year.  Although the presents were well liked there was a small hitch.  None of the embroidered fleece hats fit the child it was made for! Bummer.  Natalie's fit Ellie so Natalie agreed to let Ellie have it and I have agreed to make new custom ordered hats for Natalie and Sophia.  

Hats and mittens ready to be wrapped up. The mittens fit fine.  The grey kitten went to Ellie.  New hats will be made the first week of January and sent to Natalie and Sophie. 

Here are two of the reindeer cross stitches ready to become ornaments.  

Here's one ready to be wrapped.  These were really cute but are a bit too big so next year I need to pay more attention to the size.  

I did pretty well on the goals this past week.  Of course, the goals were mostly things that HAD to be done by Christmas. 
December 21, 2015

Finish ornaments
Enjoy lunch out with friends
Go to Star Wars Movie
Wrap presents
Finish embroidering secret stuff
Enjoy Christmas with the kids √√√√√
Keep on working on antique 9 patches

And here's what I'll be doing the last week in December, 2015. 
December 28, 2015
Keep on working on antique 9 patches
Pick an older project to finish and get on it!
Cut out a quilt with the new AccuQuilt Go
Cut some scraps into useable shapes
Make a donation quilt for 2016
Rest and enjoy the rest of the year!

I'm looking forward to using the AccuQuilt Go.  Plans are to start cutting scraps into usable shapes.  I may decide to add a few more dies before I can make much of a dent in my many containers of odd shape scraps!  

I hope your Christmas celebrations were joyful.  Let us all enjoy the last week of 2015 and welcome 2016 with hope. 

I'm linking up with Monday Making at Love, Laugh, Quilt; Main Crush Monday at Cooking Up Quilts; and Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times. Spend some time seeing what quilters are up to this last week of 2015. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. The hats are really cute, how sad they didn't fit. Still they liked them and want new ones!

    I'm hoping to see the Star Wars movie soon.


  2. Your hats are so cute! Did the girls like the designs on them or do you have to find new designs also?

    You've been really busy making things for Christmas. I'm impressed that you got to see a movie during all that too.

  3. Aww, too bad about the hats, but how good of the kids to be patient and let you make new ones.I hope that the too-small hats will fit their teddy bears or dolls?

  4. Sorry the hats didn't fit, they are awfully cute. Hope you get a chance to deal with some scraps and get ready for lot of stitching in 2016.

  5. The hat/mitten sets are adorable. Once the new ones are made, the kiddos will forget all about the glitch and will get lots of wear out of them this winter.

  6. It's nice that your grands were so accommodating to the glitch. The hats are adorable! I really like my Go! cutter and plan on getting some things cut this week, too. Have fun with it!

  7. Great goals for the week! Enjoy the last days of 2015. Are the hats too small or too big? If the latter -- the kids will grow into them!

  8. The hats -- I hate when that happens. I'm curious as to how you finished your ornaments. They're really cute. Happy New Year.

  9. Oh no! too bad the hats didn't fit. Love all your handmade goodies!

  10. The hats are so cute - too bad they didn't fit. But now the kiddos have something to look forward to! :) Thanks for sharing on MCM!


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