
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Elephant and flowers

At the last sewing get together (late January) Kay was working on Lulu.  Lulu is an elephant collage designed by Laura Heine. It's made from all sorts of flower fabrics. You can see Lulu and other patterns by Laura here. (Scroll down the page to see Lulu but check out the other patterns on the way. I'm taken with the rabbit.) You back the floral fabric with iron on adhesive that is also a bit sticky before you take the backing off. (Darn, I have no recollection of what brand it was...) Then you cut out the floral shapes.  Kay put Debbie to work peeling the paper off the back of all the flower pieces. By the end all of us were helping either peel fabrics, suggesting fabric moves and encouraging Kay. 
Kay and Debbie working on Lulu
If you enlarge this you can see holes in the elephant above his legs.  By the time Kay's done with this all of the spaces will be filled in.  I can't imagine how long it took to iron on the adhesive and cut out all of the little pieces.  I actually like Kay's version better than the pattern's picture.  

Final picture is of the trunk.  I think Kay did a wonderful job on the ear.  She had a paisley that she used to really outline the ear.  If Kay brings the finished elephant to guild this weekend I'll try to get a photo and share it with you. 

I'm linking up with Let's Bee Social and Midweek Makers once it is available. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. It's gorgeous! I absolutely love Lulu. My daughter has a thing for elephants and she would love this!

  2. How elegant! I think the product is one of the Steam a Seam varieties.

  3. Wow! That is really something! How fun!

  4. Phenomenal job of selecting fabric!

  5. looooooove it. Love elephants, and floral elephants especially

  6. Great design, you must have a lot of patience. Love the vibrant colors! Thanks for the link to Laura. Barbora

  7. That elephant as a lot of "wow" potential. Beautifully done!

  8. Wow, indeed!!! I have not seen anything like Lulu before. I look forward to the finished product.
    And thank you for your sweet comment on my KISS pattern :-)


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