
Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday Meanderings 2 - 8 - 2016

Hear's what's on the design wall today. (Well, after I took this quilt off and put this one up!) 

This is the other section of an antique quilt I was hired to finish.  As you can see it wasn't made with a lot of precision but surprisingly the first one I did turned out nicely.  You can see it here. (I forgot to take a picture of it after it was finished. What?) I'm using this green as the blue I wanted to use was badly faded.  No way was I going to be able to get enough fabric to make these borders from that fabric. I have some pink for the back -- all of this fabric came from the family.  A lot of it is 36" wide so I'll have to do some piecing. 

Here's my thoughts on the borders.  It is a pretty narrow quilt 34" or so wide by about 60" long.  I am thinking of using 4 or 5" borders on the sides and 3" or so on the top and bottom to make it a bit wider.  Any strong reason why I shouldn't use different size borders?  I'd love to get these borders added and then get it on Ruthie to long arm.  I think I'll use the Baptist fan design again since it is a traditional pattern and did a great job with the other quilt.  

Here's some heart eye candy.  I was at a sewing day a week ago and Dorothy was working on these hearts. (Design is from Designs by JuJu.) She used her embroidery software to put all of them in one design and then used only white thread.  At the end she slipped a piece of felt under the hoop and stitched the final outside edge.  She then cut them out and added hangers. 
I didn't do all that well on my goals last week.  Or maybe I had too many goals!  I did enjoy a great book last week -- The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George.  It had languished on my Kindle app for too long before I decided I really needed to get it read before it was due back.  If you are a book lover you'll enjoy all the literary references.  
February 1, 2016
Finish quilting 2 customer quilts (one from last week and a new one.) √one done; one started loading
Put borders on two antique 9 patches Um, no, didn’t happen
Pick the next OMG
Quilt one of my quilts√ Yea!
Clean off cutting table √ somewhat at least I have room to work
Cut out next charity challenge quilt√ started 

I've got several days this week that I can't devote to my quilting so my goals list includes some of those. 
February 8, 2016
Finish quilting customer quilt
Add borders to antique lap quilt
Put borders on 2 antique 9 patches
Work on QOV quilts with guild

Bake for tea group at my house

I'm linking up with Monday Makings and Main Crush Monday

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I sometimes use wider borders on the sides than on the top and bottom. I think it looks fine.

    Love the embroidered hearts - the white thread on the red is perfect. Kudos to Dorothy.

  2. A vintage quilt like could likely have had different widths of borders. The design reminds me of a quilt I was asked to "rescue" a few years ago. Nifty hearts!

  3. Go for it on the borders. The difference can only enhance the antiquity. Our foremothers often were more practical than we modern quilters (with all our rules and regulations) sometimes are. I tend to adjust borders to suit the need. Baptist fan sounds wonderful. Do you do it free motion? I have never conquered it free motion and can't afford the gizmo guide. Looking forward to seeing your finished quilt.

  4. The 3" borders on top/bottom and 4"/5" borders on the side will look fine. I love the Baptist Fan quilting pattern. I have used it several times and love how it adds another dimension to a quilt. Love the embroidered hearts!

  5. I don't see any reason why the borders have to be the same size all the way around a top. I've used different sizes on the sides and top/bottom and have been pleased. I say do what makes you happy! I love the Baptist fan design - one day I plan to learn how to quilt it myself. Thanks for linking to MCM and have a great sewing week Bonnie!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.