
Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Meanderings 2 - 22 - 2016

I am tickled pink because I figured out something on the computer for my long arm.  Before you can let the computer quilt you have to set up your design for the specific size quilt you are working with.  I've been doing pretty well with the program.  But I have a couple of edge 2 edge designs that have a top and bottom row.  I had NO idea how to use them.  After about 4 hours Friday, I figured out I needed to use the advanced setting and then I could place each row separately. By the time I was done I had the following design saved to be stitched out on my February OMG quilt. (Hey, I really want to keep up with this challenge.)   
If you look carefully you'll notice the top row only has the motif hanging down while the bottom row only has the motif pushing up.  I figured out how to place different designs on the rows of a quilt.  Woot!  Woot.  It also allowed me to nest the motifs.  The quilt was loaded on Ruthie and late Saturday afternoon I started quilting.  It quilted out the first row exactly how it was placed. (Well, of course it did but I'm super excited about this...!)  Here's what the design looks like on the quilt.  (Click on the pic to enlarge it.) I am tickled PINK! 
After I was finished quilting the whole thing (and yes, the bottom row was absolutely in the perfect spot!) I decided this design probably wasn't the best one for the quilt.  I could have placed blocks on the various sections and had a more integrated quilt.  Except... this baby is done.  Binding will be done this week. I'm excited. A little back story -- this quilt was a mystery I did in 2010 (or so the note with it says.) I thought it needed a border to finish it off and/or I wanted it rectangular rather than square.  I asked people's opinions and got a lot of good suggestions.  But, honestly, I had so little fabric left and my time was running out. (Remember One MONTHLY Goal.)  I had a few hours visit with Sharon while I was visiting my daughter and asked for her help.  Sharon nixed the alternate magenta I had and suggested (as did several readers) that I call it done and get it quilted and bound.  We were hoping I had enough of the magenta to do the binding, but nope.  So, the binding is ready and waiting -- the lovely green leaf fabric.  

I did get the binding on the smaller of the two antique 9 patches I am working on. (It isn't crooked but this picture sure is.) One more small quilt to border along with a lap quilt that also needs borders.  But I must decide on the color for both. It's difficult when I really want to use the fabric that the original quilter had in her stash.  Most of it is in surprisingly good shape but some that would be perfect for borders is badly faded.  On to alternate plan B.  
I did pretty well on last week's goals despite being in Maryland from Sunday to Thursday morning. 
February 15, 2016
Hanging sleeves on 2 quilts
Add border to antique lap quilt Nope, still didn’t happen
Put borders on 2 small antique 9 patches√ one done
Quilt a quilt
Sew on next charity quilt

We may go up this coming weekend to help Jen around the house and with the girls so I really don't have all that much on my goals this week. 

February 22, 2016
Finish blocks for FCQE Quilter & mail them
Bind OMG quilt
Put border 1 on antique quilt
Border 2nd antique 9 patch
Attend Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show

That's it for today.  I'm linking up with Monday MakingMain Crush Monday and Moving It Forward. (I started this post last night and am way ahead of myself.  I'll stop back later to link to Main Crush Monday.) Take a peak to see what's happening in the quilting world this week. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. What a great quilting design -- just right for that quilt. The vintage quilt is so appealing.

  2. That is a really cool quilting design!

  3. How wonderful for you that you figured out how to manipulate the quilting design! I bet that will totally come in handy! Great antique quilt. Maybe you can find the fabric you need elsewhere? I have friends that restore antique quilts by buying recycling fabric from quilts that are too far gone to save. Maybe you have someone like that in your Guild.

  4. I like that quilting's so cool you figured out how to work it the way you needed to. Computerized tools are fun, but there is that learning curve that gets in my way! :) Thanks for linking to MCM Bonnie! Have a great week.

  5. You and Ruthie spent a lot of quality time together, didn't you? The quilting looks great. It was really fun chatting with you Sunday.

  6. You and Ruthie spent a lot of quality time together, didn't you? The quilting looks great. It was really fun chatting with you Sunday.

  7. It's fun to tackle and master a challenge. The sample looks fabulous.

  8. I'm ticked for you, too, on getting that quilt quilted with the pattern just right! It is so pretty!

  9. Totally Happy Dancing for you!!! I love it when things go right!! And wow - you are doing good on OMG - my Jan OMG turned into February and at the rate I am moving it will also be March's .... YOU GO GIRL!!!

  10. I love that quilting design and I think it was perfect for the quilt. We can second guess ourselves to death! You're doing really well on figuring out that program, if it only took you two months to get to this. ;) ~desertskyquilting

  11. Congrats of figuring out the quilting machine. All these modern gadgets have such a learning curve. Thanks for linking up. Love the nine patch.


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