
Friday, February 26, 2016

OMG Finish!

After dithering and asking for advice, I finally decided I just needed to quilt and bind my OMG quilt this month.  I considered removing partial rows to make it rectangular.  I considered adding a border. I considered all sorts of ideas but in the end... I quilted it and bound it.  Possibly a win-win situation as I have now crossed off another UFO which wasn't my actual OMG for February. (Hum, maybe time to start a new quilt?) 

I have pretty much given up sewing the final side of a binding by hand.  I am much more interested in finishing rather than spending hours hand stitching down the binding.  I apply the binding to the wrong side of the quilt using my walking foot.  Then I pull the binding around to the front and use matching thread in the bobbin and on the top.  I try to stitch very close to the folded edge on the binding and usually have pretty good results.  The back may not be perfect but these quilts are not going into judged shows.  (You should be able to click on any picture and see a larger version of it.) 
I use a lot of Wonder Clips when I do binding whether by hand or machine. They work very well.  

And, less you think I don't do anything but quilt and think about quilting, Wednesday afternoon I replenished our supply of homemade meatballs.  After cooking them (in the oven) we freeze them on cookie sheets and later throw in a Ziplock bag so we have a quick meal.  Yum! 

Yesterday's trip to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show was great fun.  I'll share my small collection of purchases and a few pictures probably on Monday.  

Today I'm linking up with Red Letter Quilts for the OMG Finish Party and  Can I Get a Whoop Whoop? at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. 

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. Beautiful quilt--love using wonder quilts I wonder what we did without them!

  2. Congrats! Have you figured out your OMG for March?

  3. Beautiful quilts and delicious homemade meatballs? That's a yummy combination, so I think I'll come over for supper and a nap!

  4. A beautiful finish! I've never tried finishing the binding on the machine.

  5. A lovely finish. I have to confess that I bind all my quilts by machine. If I had to do them by hand it would not happen.

  6. A lovely finish. I have to confess that I bind all my quilts by machine. If I had to do them by hand it would not happen.

  7. I think it looks great, Bonnie. I am still a hand binder. I find it works better for me to stitch it down by hand. But I do see more and more machine binding. I just think I would make a mess of it.

  8. Such a beautiful finish and congratulations on making your goal for the month! I was reading your previous post and found it very interesting to see that you learned how to nest an edge to edge motif to quilt this. And that you are enjoying machine finishing your bindings. Yay!!! for a fast finish!

  9. That's a lovely beauty! Love the colors and the design, both. I thought it was funny when I saw the quilt clips, because I always put red side up. LOL

  10. Beautiful quilt! Congrats on your finish.

  11. Congrats Bonnie! Beautiful finish and good for you using your machine to bind:) It took me years to begin machine binding and now I do a lot of both.


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