
Thursday, March 31, 2016

March OMG Done!

I finally finished my March OMG at 10:15 last night.  So, that makes me 3 for 3.  3 UFOs pulled out and finished this year.  I suspect I won't be as successful over the next few months.  I need to decide on an EASY project.

Here's the finished March project.  A bit more involved than I first thought it would be but I think the little appliqués add a cute touch. So here, with no further delay, my March OMG quilt. 

Mary Beth and Nancy both have Go Cutters so I asked them to bring dies I could borrow.  MB basically buys the  appliqué ones.  Well, what do you know, we all decided this needed a little jazzing up.  So I found some fabrics that would show up and go with the quilt and put fusible web on them.  Then I ran them through the Go with butterflies, bees and dragon flies.  I sprinkled in a few hearts too.  Most of the fabric works but the peachy one doesn't show the purple dots that makes it work with this quilt.   I did a quick zig zag stitch using Mettler Polysheen embroidery thread to match the design.  (Yep, a bit more work but I am a glutton for punishment!) 

I bought some new quilting designs just before this was finished and I really like how much texture this one gives to the quilt. It's called Melody by Sarah Ann Myers.  I used a Hobbs 80/20 batt and pink So Fine.  
Sometimes things just come together wonderfully.  I was doing a little cleaning in the shelving under my cutting table.  I keep a box of bindings that are either left over or made and not used.  You can't imagine how tickled I was when I found a long, unused binding in the same dark green as the dragonfly.  And, kismet! It was 6" longer than I needed.  

Here's a better look at the binding and the border fabrics. 
The best part is all the fabric came from my stash.  I've had that purple floral border for YEARS!  (unfortunately, I have a piece of it left so it may be seen in something else one of these days!) I pieced the back with bits of fabric on hand. I had nothing big enough for the whole back. (This ended up about 42 x 42".  Not all that big.) 

I've done a quick check of what is on the UFO list.  I had 52 items at the beginning of 2016.  I've completed 4 of them -- that means I should only have 48 projects left to do.  Except, I won two different BOMs at Faithful Circle in the last few months so I guess I'm not making as much progress as I thought I was.  The next project is easy peasy.  Put borders on a top and then quilt it.  I have plenty of fabric so should be able to find a border and a backing amongst the fabric I have saved for it. Here it is.  Unfortunately I took the photo at night in hopes of getting this blog finished today. 
I like the purple fabric with it.  I think the turquoise would be too "loud." I'll look at it again in the light and figure out what to do.  I do know I'll need to figure out something to quilt within the handles.  Hum, I wonder what design I have that I can use.  Outside the handles I see stippling or maybe just stitching in the ditch around the squares.  Time will tell.   

I'm linking up at Red Letter Quilts  and Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday to share my finish.  Friday I'll link to Can I get a Whoop Whoop? Take a look at what's happening around the Internet. 

Happy Quilting All!


  1. Bonnie, the applique was a nice addition. And I love the quilting! Congrats on completing your OMG!

  2. That is so fun, the appliqué give a lovely twist. I am stunned by your UFO list, but four down is great for the end of March, well done.

  3. Yes Congratulations on finishing the OMG and whittling down your UFO's to 48! It must be fun picking which one to work on. I love the colours in the one you've chosen for April. It's very pretty.

  4. It's such a happy little quilt and I love the quilting pattern, too! Nice find on that binding!

  5. A very cute finish! Congrats on finishing your March OMG. Good luck with your April goal.

  6. Excellent finish and progress on your UFOs. What about some simple flowers or hearts in the baskets.

  7. You had a productive month, considering your UFO list. Love the Dresden baskets.

  8. That binding find was absolutely meant to be!

  9. YAY - 3-4-3!!
    Looks like a great finish, and great stash-buster:)
    Cute baskets too, I have never seen Dresden Baskets!


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