
Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Meanderings 4 - 4 - 2016

I cleared off the design wall this weekend so I could layout the next quilt.  It needs to be done by about April 20th.  I had been working on all the little units which I finished on Thursday.  This quilt is being made to donate to Mid-Atlantic English Springer Spaniel Rescue.  We got Raggs through them and I've been volunteering with them for many years.   This quilt will be raffled during the year as a fund raiser. 

Here's how I first laid out the quilt.
It was ok, but something just didn't work for me.  Some of it looked fussy.  I moved some things around and tried again. 
Much better but the first 2 blocks in rows 2 and 3 bothered me as did the three read-as-solids in the bottom row.  I already knew I wanted one springer photo in each row so something else had to move.  
Much better.  I moved the dog square on the black background.  I also swapped the orange and print in row two which meant I needed to do the same in row 4. By doing that I calmed down all the rows and spread the more interesting prints through out the quilt.  As I've been sewing the rows together I've been moving around the "sprockets" to try to keep from having the same fabric next to each other too often.  I still need to find a border and backing for this although I think I am going to actually make the backing from leftover fabric.  I have a panel with lots of dog sayings like the one above.  Time will tell. 

For those interested the pattern is Slide Show by Atkinson Designs.  The photos were transferred to fabric by Fotos on Fabric. I really like the end result with these photos.  The fabric is soft and easy to work with, nothing crunchy or stiff. 

I did really well on my goals last week.  Of course, they were written knowing exactly what I needed to get done. I've really focused on the dog quilt 

March 28, 2016
Finish Applique on OMG
Make backing for OMG
Quilt OMG
Sew top together Boy donation quilt

Work on Slide Show – put top together √ started

April 4, 2016
Finish sewing the rows together for Slide Show
Figure out borders for Slide Show 
Make or buy backing for Slide Show 
Put borders on Boy donation quilt
Make backing for Boy donation quilt
Finish small zippered pouch

That's enough to keep me constantly busy.  I'll be going to Maryland in a week and a half and I'd really like to have the boy donation quilt done and the zippered pouch done so I can donate it to the $10 and under table. The doggy quilt needs to be passed on right after I come back. Time will tell if everything gets done.   

I'm linking up with Monday Makings,  Main Crush Monday, and Design Board Monday at Bits 'n Bobs.  Grab a cup of tea and browse through what's happening in studios around the globe. 

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. Oh, I know so well the agony of arranging and rearranging blocks. Sometimes it works to take them ALL off the design wall and start over again! BTW, my sister and BIL have a new springer puppy. His name is Ed. We haven't met him in person yet.

  2. How cute! We have all been down the road of moving blocks.....change the positions of 2 and then you have to move more, etc. I see nothing wrong with any of the arrangements.

  3. I think we've all been there, done that when it comes to positioning blocks in a pleasing layout. I think your final layout is fabulous ... this will be an awesome quilt for their fundraiser.

  4. Yep, I've rearranged and moved blocks until I drove myself nuts. I find it helpful to snap a pic with my phone and view it in black/white. It helps me to distribute the dark/light tones evenly through the quilt. It's amazing what a camera can see that my eyes can't! LOL I hope your auction goes well and you can raise lots of $$ for your charity! Thanks for sharing on MCM!

  5. I can relate. . .love the final layout. I've only been around one Springer Spaniel - Ted (Teddy) had a wonderful personality and was always present when the teachers got together to socialize; sometimes, he even accompanied his master to school and slept under the tables in the shop.

  6. love your final layout. I hear ya with the layout. sometimes you want to get it done and get frustrated with the way things look. it looks great now.

  7. Arranging blocks is not a thing to take lightly! I sometimes call in a second opinion if it's not working but I can't figure out why. Looks great though, I hope it raises lots for the dogs! :)

  8. I think the quilt is cute and I like that pattern, it is hard sometimes trying to find the right location for the blocks

  9. Like your goal setting list. I'm a list maker myself. Congrats on completing all your goals for OMG.

  10. that quilt is just terrific! The fact that it also has dogs, and is to raise money for them is bonus! Great job girl!!

  11. Whatever LeeAnna said :-)
    Bonnie, I would like nothing more than to meet with you at the Quilt Show in Chantilly. OK, if LeeAnna can be there then we can all have a great party :-)
    I am volunteering on Friday and Sunday. Hope to see you there.

  12. Thats lovely Bonnie! and for a great cause.

  13. Very fun quilt! It should do really well at auction.


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