
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

One Monthly Goal -- March

I've been very successful on my One Monthly Goal.  So, I'm signing up for March.  When I choose a project I go to my UFO list and specifically look at quilts that can be totally finished within the allotted time.  This month I'm pulling out an easy quilt.  I've got several pinwheel style blocks.  My goal is to make a baby quilt.  (Hum, that block in the upper right corner was put together wrong.) 

And here is what I've pulled to go with this project.
That big hunk of purple on the left seems a bit too blue for what I have so far.  Hopefully, I won't have to buy anything to finish this quilt.  I'll have to see if it needs a border or not.  That might cause a trip to a store.  

Are you joining in the OMG?  It sure is working for me so far.  

I'm connecting up with Red Letter Quilts and Freemotion by the River

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Good luck with this goal. It looks like a fun one. I hope you don't need to buy anything!

  2. I haven't joined the OMG project yet. I need to get organized first.

  3. Good luck with your March goal. I hope you don't have to pick up any additional fabrics. It's such a sweet baby quilt.

    I've been selecting my OMG quilts the same way (going through the UFO list and looking for quilts I can finish in a month). It's been great encouragement to take a few quilts off that list.

  4. Maybe I should join you on OMG, perhaps next month when I'm better organised, although I'm doing better this year as I've finished a UFO already, that's got to be good news. Good luck with your baby quilt, lovely colours.

  5. It is nice when you can go shopping in your own stash. I like the colors you chose to finish your OMG. Thanks for the border tip for my QOV. I was going in that direction but unsure about colors & you just cleared that up. Now off to find out more about OMG.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.